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Design and analysis of static windrow piles for in-house broiler litter composting

Posted on:2011-11-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Schmidt, Amy MichelleFull Text:PDF
In-house windrow composting of broiler litter has been studied to reduce microbial populations between flocks. Published time-temperature goals are used to determine the success of the composting process for microbial reductions. Spatial and temporal density of temperature measurement can influence the ability to determine what portion of a windrow pile has achieved specified time-temperature goals. Based on this motivation, an investigation of the heating profile in windrowed litter and the identification of the effects of spatial and temporal sampling densities on the prediction of the heating profile in windrowed broiler litter were executed. Likewise, an investigation of the effects of moisture content on heat generation during composting of broiler litter was conducted. Ultimately, the research projects were designed with the goal of determining the efficacy of windrow composting as a treatment method for reducing microbial populations in broiler litter and to produce recommendations for the implementation of future windrow temperature monitoring investigations. While past investigations have reported success of windrow composting for microbial population reductions, a lack of intense spatial and temporal temperature monitoring has likely mis-represented the pile heating profile and resultant effects on microbial populations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Broiler litter, Windrow, Composting, Microbial populations, Heating profile, Temperature, Spatial and temporal
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