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Networked assembly of nonlinear physical system models

Posted on:2008-06-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Motato, ElliotFull Text:PDF
Global engineering design requires efficient model integration. This process is characterized by the capability of performing an automatic and recursive model assembly. Model integration is a complicated issue when complex assemblies are involved. Model reuse is the key for handling assembly complexity. The ability to reuse and exchange models relies on a standard format [1]. This condition is fundamental to avoid model reformulation.; The Modular Modeling Method (MMM) [2] is a recursive model integration algorithm designed to achieve automatic integration of linear models. MMM linear standard models are dynamic matrices with a unique input-output variable representation. MMM characteristics facilitates the networked integration of large complex linear models.; The objective of this work is to extend the model assembly properties of MMM to assemble nonlinear physical models. This work can divided in two parts. In the first part, the problem of assembling multi-port nonlinear physical models that perform at a constant operating point is solved. In the second part, the problem of assembly nonlinear physical models that perform at a region of operation is solved. Once achieved, the MMM nonlinear methodology will contribute to enable cooperative global engineering design, by facilitating the automatic integration and the simulations of nonlinear physical engineered artifacts which are designed and provided from different and possibly geographical distant locations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nonlinear physical, Model, Assembly, MMM
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