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Toward a new theory of relief-sponsored settlement design: Camp-based solutions using defensible space principles

Posted on:2008-07-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of FloridaCandidate:Qamhaieh, Abdellatif AqeelFull Text:PDF
GTID:1442390005469225Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
Forced population displacement is a worldwide phenomenon that can take place due to conflict, and natural or man-made disasters. Such displacement events usually have a sudden onset and a short duration, yet they cause the displaced populations pain and misery that lasts for a long time, even generations in some cases. At certain points in their lives, some of the displaced will find themselves living in refugee camps or settlements sponsored either by the aid community, or the governments of the host countries. These camps and settlements are usually established rapidly because of the immediate needs of the population. They are designed in most cases to be temporary under the assumption that the displacement event is short lived. Yet, historically, these camps and settlements have proven to be problematic because of the limited planning they receive as a result of their perceived temporariness. Our study explores the introduction of new theory into the field of camp and settlement design. It suggests incorporating Defensible Space theory and principles into this field. The theory was first introduced to improve living conditions within rundown, lower-income neighborhoods in the US. It could prove to be beneficial in the field of population displacement due to its simplicity, adaptability, and possible universality of some of its main principles.; Included in our study is field work in a Palestinian refugee camp and village. The built-environment within the Balata refugee camp and the nearby Balata village are examined, and compared in an attempt to understand if Defensible Space could be beneficial in similar contexts. Existing conditions within the two settings are analyzed, while looking at some of the elements that could affect peoples? usage of outdoor space. Our study concludes that the application is viable, and has potential benefits despites some weaknesses and shortcomings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space, Theory, Camp, Displacement
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