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Computational Design for Next Generation Solar Cell

Posted on:2018-01-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Chung, HaejunFull Text:PDF
Although photovoltaic technology has improved tremendously over the past several decades, there is still signicant scope for improvements which can be systematically investigated through advanced simulation techniques, particularly in the electromagnetic domain. However, accurately simulating the detailed performance of emerging light trapping and current-harvesting harvesting structures still requires a tremendous amount of detailed calculations. For these reasons, without any simplications, 3-D electromagnetic computation of a single photovoltaic unit cell easily exceeds the computing limit of a single core machine or even that of a computing cluster. Thus, building a more efficient and accurate simulation framework for solar cells can provide a deep understanding of solar cell physics, generate new conceptual designs, and enable breakthrough next generation solar cells.
Keywords/Search Tags:Solar
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