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Building bridges: A diagnostic process for assessing and strengthening pastoral, congregational and personal relationships

Posted on:2011-01-03Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Drew UniversityCandidate:Henry, Matthew RaymondFull Text:PDF
Building Bridges is a process in which to discern and strengthen the relationships that are often most important to us---our families, our friends, our jobs, our church congregations, our communities, ourselves. This process uses a set of six different questionnaire-based diagnostic assessments to reveal the psycho-behavioral-spiritual dynamics at work in our relationships. Such behavior, which usually remains largely hidden in our subconscious experience, tends to determine the healthy and useful (or unhealthy and less useful) qualities of our relationships. It is often primarily responsible for what "drives the train" in our interactions.;In the revelation of such unconscious characteristics, the Building Bridges process makes known the unknown, which allows for conscious options to heal, strengthen and sustain meaningful relationships. The basic principle which underlies the process addresses the belief that hitherto unknown insight---or revelation---can create compassion, empathy, and broaden one's range of response in relationships. Without such knowledge, one's common relational responses may reflect injurious false assumptions and unrealistic personal expectations.;While the process was designed to be implemented by congregations and their pastors together, anyone in any type of relationship---be it in a marriage, a job, a church leadership group, or as an individual---can find it a great benefit to work through the Building Bridges process. Congregations can find it useful as they seek a new pastor. Likewise, pastors can find it useful when they begin to serve a new congregation. In addition, ecclesiastic placement bodies (such as bishops, pastoral search committees, etc.)---even individuals in search of a potential mate---should find the process a useful tool to help establish optimal matches.;As with any process, Building Bridges cannot guarantee the "success" or health of any relationship, but it will reveal what strengths can be relied upon in times of crises and what potential challenges of which one may need to be made aware in order to create more mutually satisfying and psycho-spiritually healthy relationships.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationships, Process, Building bridges
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