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Large-scale and Microphysical Controls on Water Isotopes in the Atmosphere

Posted on:2011-06-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Field, Robert DFull Text:PDF
GTID:1442390002469879Subject:Atmospheric Sciences
The isotopic composition of water in the atmosphere is influenced by how the water evaporated, how it was transported, and how it formed in the cloud before falling. Because these processes are temperature dependent, the isotopic ratios stored in glacial ice and other proxy sources have been used as an indicator of pre-instrumental climate. There is uncertainty, however, as to whether isotopic ratios should be interpreted as a proxy of local temperature, or as a broader indicator of changes in how the vapor was transported. To better understand these processes, the NASA GISS general circulation model (GCM) was used to examine two different types of controls on the isotopic composition of moisture.;The second type of control was microphysical, relating to the way precipitation interacts with vapor after it has formed. Using a GCM sensitivity experiment, the effects of 'post-condensation exchange' were found to depend primarily on the proportion between the amount of upstream precipitation that fell as rain and the amount that fell as snow, and at low latitudes, on the strength of atmospheric moisture recycling. This led to a partitioning of the well-observed correlation between temperature and precipitation delta 18O into its initial and post-condensation components, and a GCM-based interpretation of satellite measurements of the isotopic composition of water vapor in the troposphere.;The first control was the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere. Over Europe, it was found that delta18O is strongly controlled by a Northern Annular Mode-like pattern, detected in both the GCM and for Europe's high-quality precipitation delta18O data. Over the southwest Yukon, it was found that higher delta18O was associated with moisture transport from the south, which led to a reinterpretation of the large mid-19th century delta18O shift seen in the ice cores from Mt. Logan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water, Isotopic composition, Delta18o
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