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Nondestructive Evaluation and in-situ Monitoring for Metal Additive Manufacturin

Posted on:2019-09-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Taheri, HosseinFull Text:PDF
Powder-based additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are seeing increased use, particularly because they give greatly enhanced design flexibility and can be used to form components that cannot be formed using subtractive manufacturing. There are fundamental differences in the morphology of additively manufactured materials, when compared with, for example castings or forgings. In all cases it is necessary to ensure that parts meet required quality standards and that "allowable" anomalies can be detected and characterized. It is necessary to understanding the various types of manufacturing defects and their potential effects on the quality and performance of AM, and this is a topic of much study. In addition, it is necessary to investigate quality from powder throughout the manufacturing process from powder to the finished part. In doing so it is essential to have metrology tools for mechanical property evaluation and for appropriate anomaly detection, quality control, and monitoring. Knowledge of how and when the various types of defects appear will increase the potential for early detection of significant flaws in additively manufactured parts and offers the potential opportunity for in-process intervention and to hence decrease the time and cost of repair or rework. Because the AM process involves incremental deposition of material, it gives unique opportunities to investigate the material quality as it is deposited. Due to the AM processes sensitivity to different factors such as laser power and material properties, any changes in aspects of the process can potentially have an impact on the part quality. As a result, in-process monitoring of additive manufacturing (AM) is crucial to assure the quality, integrity, and safety of AM parts. To meet this need there are a variety of sensing methods and signals which can be measured. Among the available measurement modalities, acoustic-based methods have the advantage of potentially providing real-time, continuous in-service monitoring of manufacturing processes at relatively low cost. In this research, the various types of microstructural features or defects, their generation mechanisms, their effect on bulk properties and the capabilities of existing characterization methodologies for powder-based AM parts are discussed and methods for in-situ non-destructive evaluation are reviewed. A proof-of-concept demonstration for acoustic measurements used for monitoring both machine and material state is demonstrated. The analyses have been performed on temporal and spectral features extracted from the acoustic signals. These features are commonly related to defect formation, and acoustic noise that is generated and can potentially characterize the process. A novel application of signal processing tools is used for identification of temporal and spectral features in the acoustic signals. A new approach for a K-means statistical classification algorithm is used for classification of different process conditions, and quantitative evaluation of the classification performance in terms of cohesion and isolation of the clusters. The identified acoustic signatures demonstrate potential for in-situ monitoring and quality control of the additive manufacturing process and parts. A numerical model of the temperature field and the ultrasonic wave displacement field induced by an incident pulsed laser on additively manufactured stainless steel 17 4 PH is established which is based on thermoelastic theory. The numerical results indicate that the thermoelastic source and the ultrasonic wave features are strongly affected by the characteristics of the laser source and the thermal and mechanical properties of the material. The magnitude and temporal-spatial distributions of the pulsed laser source energy are very important factors which determine not only the wave generation mechanisms, but also the amplitude and characteristics of the resulting elastic wave signals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Additive, Monitoring, Evaluation, In-situ, Signals, Wave, Quality
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