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Five years of theoretical and computational chemistry: From H3+ to DNA

Posted on:2011-09-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Pavanello, MicheleFull Text:PDF
The research described in this dissertation concerns two fields of theoretical chemistry: Part I concerns applications of Density Functional Theory, and part II high accuracy calculations within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation using explicitly correlated Gaussian functions.;In the first part, after a brief introduction to Density Functional Theory and Hartree Fock methods, the candidate's research in Density Functional Theory is described in two chapters. One treats the charge transport in B-DNA, specifically (GC)N oligomers solvated by water. The second chapter treats the charge transfer between the Lithium atom and Fullerene-C60 in the endohedral complex Li C60. In both applications Density Functional Theory was the central quantum mechanical technique that allowed the approaching of such large molecular systems.;In the second part of this dissertation, the candidate's development of a FORTRAN code using explicitly correlated Gaussian functions within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is presented.;Every item of the author's research during his graduate studies has been published in co-authorship with the author's scientific advisor and other collaborators in peer-reviewed journals. A total of 8 scientific articles and one letter have been published by the author while at The University of Arizona.
Keywords/Search Tags:Density functional theory, Part
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