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Effects of structural spin-orbit coupling in two dimensional electron and hole liquids

Posted on:2008-12-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Chesi, StefanoFull Text:PDF
The recent interest in spin-dependent phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures motivates our detailed study of the structural spin-orbit coupling present in clean two-dimensional electron and hole liquids. Interesting polarization effects are produced in a system out of equilibrium, as when a finite current flows in the sample. In particular, the consequences of a lateral confinement creating a quasi one-dimensional wire are studied in detail, partially motivated by a recent experimental investigation of the point-contact transmission for two-dimensional holes.; We also address the role of the electron-electron interaction in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, which has received little attention in the literature. We discuss the formulation of the Hartree-Fock approximation in the particular case of linear Rashba spin-orbit. We establish the form of the mean-field phase diagram in the homogeneous case, which shows a complex interplay between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states. The latter can be polarized in the plane or in a transverse direction, and are characterized by a complex spin structure and nontrivial occupation. The generality of the Hartree-Fock method allows a simple treatment of the Pauli spin susceptibility, and the application to different forms of spin-orbit coupling.; Correlation corrections can be obtained in an analytic form for particular asymptotic regimes. For linear Rashba spin-orbit we identified the relevance of the large spin-orbit limit, dominated by many-body effects, and explicitly treated the high density limit, in which the system is asymptotically noninteracting. As a special case, we derive a new exact formula for the polarization dependence of the ring-diagram correlation energy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spin-orbit coupling, Effects
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