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C*-extreme points of the generalized state space of a commutative C*-algebra

Posted on:2009-08-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Gregg, Martha CaseFull Text:PDF
The generalized state space of a commutative C*-algebra, denoted SH(C(X)), is the set of positive unital maps from C(X) to the algebra B(H) of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H. C*-convexity is one of several non-commutative analogs of convexity which have been discussed in this context. We show that a C*-extreme point of SH(C(X)) satisfies a certain spectral condition on the operators in the range of an associated measure, which is a positive operator-valued measure on X. We then show that C*-extreme maps from C( X) into K+, the C*-algebra generated by the compact and scalar operators, are multiplicative, generalizing a result of D. Farenick and P. Morenz.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space, C*-extreme
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