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Maximal inverse semigroups of transformations

Posted on:2009-06-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Gyurov, Boyko GeorgievFull Text:PDF
The main goal of this dissertation is obtaining a description of the maximal Clifford inverse subsemigroups of semigroups of transformation, and in particular, the semigroup of all partial one-to-one transformations of a set A, denoted IA , and the semigroup of all (full) transformations of A, denoted TA . For IA we describe all maximal Clifford inverse subsemigroups in terms of specially defined equivalence relations on A. No restrictions over the cardinality of A are applied.;For TA we describe all maximal Clifford inverse subsemigroups and extend the technique to classify all maximal inverse semigroups in terns of a generalizations of the Wagner's transformation 4&d5; .
Keywords/Search Tags:Maximal, Inverse, Semigroups
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