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Quantum optics with quantum dots in microcavities

Posted on:2009-02-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Santa BarbaraCandidate:Rakher, Matthew TFull Text:PDF
This dissertation describes several quantum optics experiments that rely on the coupling between an atomic-like system and the confined optical modes of a cavity as described by cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). The novelty of these experiments is that they are performed in the solid-state and as such are extremely interesting for applications of quantum information. These results have been obtained through a collaborative effort between the research groups of D. Bouwmeester in Physics, P. M. Petroff in Materials and ECE, L. A. Coldren in Materials and ECE, and E. L. Hu in ECE. The first set of these experiments explores this coupling in photonic crystal defect cavities. The first of these experiments shows how very few quantum dots can act as a sufficient gain medium to generate extremely low-threshold lasing. This surprising result, which arises due to the non-atomic-like nature of the quantum dots, is verified by a measurement of the photon statistical transition of the cavity mode. This is done for a series of such devices to elucidate the differences between macroscopic lasers and nanolasers. Next, a short experiment is discussed which uses the adsorption of material inside the cryostat to spectrally tune the resonance of a photonic crystal cavity. This section of the dissertation concludes with an experiment demonstrating an all-optical scheme to precisely determine the spacial location of a single quantum dot. Then, using this location, a high-quality photonic crystal cavity is fabricated, and strong coupling between the quantum and cavity is realized. The second set of experiments employs a novel, electrically-gated, oxide-apertured micropillar cavity to demonstrate a bright source of optically-generated single photons as well as electrically-generated single photons. Furthermore, the intra-cavity electric field generated by the gating of the structures enabled the demonstration of cavity QED with charged quantum dots, which has important ramifications for solid-state quantum information schemes that use the spin of an electron (or hole) for manipulation. Finally, the intra-cavity field is used to achieve spectral resonance between a quantum dot and a cavity mode by the Stark effect. This effect, in combination with a slightly elliptical micropillar, is used to demonstrate a polarization-switchable single photon source.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quantum, Experiments, Cavity, Single
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