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The Urban Rail Transit Pecuniary Effect And Its Use

Posted on:2020-12-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330620459473Subject:Applied Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays the main body of capitals of the urban rail transit construction are from local government.Limited public economy,highly relying on financial capitals,single investment and finance mechanism,which bring some bottleneck problems to the finance of rail transit.The thesis used the Public Good Theory,the Externality Theory and the Land Economy Theory,we found as Quasi operational nature good,the rail transit has positive externality,which makes around lands and real estates revalue because of it accessibility and clustering.These revaluation profits can be called pecuniary effect.This thesis selected three questions to do the research.First,If urban rail transit construction could bring pecuniary effect? Second,How could the main body of urban rail transit construction share the profit of pecuniary effect? Third,How could the shared profits affect its investment and finance?The thesis analyzed the connections of the externality and pecuniary effect of urban rail transit.We used ZIPF Modle to test the externality of urban rail transit would bring the round area pecuniary effect.We searched some datas of Shanghai's permanent resident populations,some districts' populations around rail transit Line 7 and Line 1,and their ranks in Shanghai.After the research,we found Shanghai's city distribution matched the ZIPF rules,which appeared centralization single center before rail transit construction and became decentralization after rail transit construction that subcenters appeared.Meanwhile,the construction of rail transit centralized people,brought economic effection to the suburbs.To the first question,the thesis used empirical analysis to test the existence of the pecuniary effect of urban rail transit.Traffic Planning Model tested the existence of pecuniary effect of passenger flows.We forecast passenger flows of twelve rail transits in Shanghai,which could promote the economic effects to around areas.Hedonic Model tested urban rail transit construction highlighted the real estates' prices.We made the rail transit and types of real estate as hedonic factor,used real estates' prices of around suburbs,which indicated the rail transit construction could make the real estate revalue,especially the commercial halls.And it also proved rail transit gave more influency to the suburbs.By above empirical analysis,we could improve that rail transit did have pecuniary effects.To the second questions of the thesis,we used case analysis method to do the rearch on the share mechanism of pecuniary effect.We took Tokyo and Hongkong as example and analzed this two cities' background system,pecuniary effect share mechanism and approach,and got the conclusion that the share mechanism based on development,which the body of construction could share the revalue of lands and real estates,was suitable to Shanghai.Comprehensive development pattern that leases lands,sells and transfer the properties,which could not only maximized the pecuniary effect,but also feedbacked the construction of urban rail transit.To the third question,we took the application of shared profits to the rail transit's investment and finance.We analyzed comprehensive development pattern could gave the positive effections on the investment and finance of urban rail transit,such as multiple bodies to share the profits,improved the whole profits by high strength of development.Through land leasing pattern and land leasing-property development pattern,it concluded that the shared profits from pecuniary effects could balance capital in cash,reduced loans,relieved finance stress and optimize the investment and finance plan.Through the research,we thought government guided mechanism,combined rail transit investment with land use,which was the suitable way to the big cities of our country.Through the application of shared profits to the rail transit's investment and finance,it tested the rail transit had sustainable economical efficiency.Therefore,it needs to combine the rail transit construction with TOD ideas,improve the pecuniary effects of construction and land use,establish the mechanism of pecuniary effects share and the rail transit's main body of contruction can share the profits,which can relieve the public finance pressure and have the reference significance to the application to larger area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Rail Transit, Externality, Pecuniary Effect, Share Mechanism, Investment and Financing
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