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The Internationalization Of The Japanese Economy And Changes In The Economic System

Posted on:2020-08-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330596465131Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Influencing factors of economic internationalization on the change of economic system can be divided into material factors and institutional factors.Material factors refer to the international flow of various economic factors and the economic power of the country brought about by them.Institutional factors include the basic rules established by international economic organizations and the international treaties,agreements signed by various countries and the economic order established by them.Specific internationalization factors will make domestic actors in different countries suffer varying degrees of gains and losses.Japan's economic internationalization began with the Meiji Restoration.Under the pressure of developed capitalist countries in the west,Japan passively began to imitate internationalization.After reactionary hegemonic internationalization,participatory internationalization and active internationalization,Japan experienced a tortuous and repeated process of development,which had a great impact on Japan's economic development.At the same time,through the Meiji Restoration,Post-war Democratic Reform and a series of institutional changes,Japan established a government-led market economy model,and realized the aspiration of national revitalization and national prosperity.With the change of domestic and international situation,Japanese-style economic system is also facing a series of problems and needs new changes.Koizumi reform and Abe reform are attempts.Judging from the overall development process,Japan's economic internationalization can be said to be gradually realized under external pressure.By establishing the capitalist mode of production,gradually realizing trade liberalization,capital liberalization and financial liberalization,and integrating into the global economic system,Japan's economy has achieved leapfrog development and become the third largest economy in the world.However,it can not be said that Japan's economy has made remarkable achievements because of its internationalization,but that Japan has made full use of the development trend of economic internationalization to promote fundamental changes in production relations through such internal factors as system reform and policy response,thus achieving economic growth.However,due to the inherent factors of its economic system,Japan's economy has only formally achieved "docking" in its integration with the world economy,but in fact it has its own system.It spares no effort to extend the "tentacles" of trade and capital to all parts of the world while setting up various obstacles to prevent foreign capital from entering its own fields and from impacting its own economy.This "duality" has led to setbacks in Japan's economic system and the process of internationalization in the era of globalization.In the process of economic internationalization,the influence of capitalist development,international norms and American factors on the change of Japanese economic system is particularly prominent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic Internationalization, Economic System Change, External Pressure, Government Led, Duality
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