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Poverty Alleviation And The Sense Of Gain For The Poor

Posted on:2021-05-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1367330611495289Subject:Theoretical Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Eradicating poverty is not only the common mission of all mankind,but also the biggest problem facing China's economic and social development.Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee,the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has placed poverty alleviation and development in an important position in governing the country.The sense of gain of the rural poor is a direct effect of poverty alleviation and development in the new era.Improving the sense of gain of the poor is the foothold of poverty alleviation and development in the new era.Therefore,based on the historical background of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,carrying out research on the impact of poverty alleviation and development on the rural poor's sense of gain is a major realistic issue that needs to be resolved in the practice of poverty alleviation and development.This study is guided by Marxist Anti-Poverty Theory,and based on Xi Jinping's Anti-Poverty Theory,and attempts to use qualitative research methods to reveal the effects of government poverty alleviation,market poverty alleviation,social poverty alleviation,and allocation of poverty alleviation resources on the sense of gain of the poor and their mechanisms,through a case study of D Town in Guizhou Province.Poverty alleviation and development is a positive social change that aims to improve the living conditions and environment of the rural poor and stimulate the endogenous power of the poor through the use of certain poverty alleviation resources and adopt a series of poverty alleviation methods by the government,market,society and other multi-action actors.Due to the diversity of the main actors in poverty alleviation and development,this study divides poverty alleviation and development into three basic forms: government poverty alleviation,market poverty alleviation and social poverty alleviation based on the differences in the allocation of poverty alleviation resources.Acquisition refers to the possession of social resources by social members.The sense of gain refers to the positive psychological feelings produced by social members after they have obtained certain social resources due to their participation in certain social activities.The sense of gain of rural poor population refers to the positive psychological feeling of rural poor population caused by their economic status,welfare status and social status changes due to their participation in poverty alleviation and development activities.Based on this,this study divides the rural poor people's sense ofgain into three basic states: economic gain,welfare gain and social gain.The sense of economic gain refers to the positive psychological feeling generated by the increase of economic income(including wage income,operating income,property income,policy income,and social support income)after the rural poor people get employment opportunities and asset gains by participating in poverty alleviation and development activities.The sense of welfare acquisition refers to the positive psychological feeling that the rural poor people get government welfare(including infrastructure,culture and education,medical and health care,public services,etc.)due to their participation in poverty alleviation and development activities,which leads to the improvement of basic living conditions.The sense of social gain refers to the positive psychological feeling of the rural poor people who gain social status due to their participation in poverty alleviation and development activities,which leads to the improvement of the overall living environment.The allocation of poverty alleviation resources is a key link of poverty alleviation and development.The allocation of poverty alleviation resources refers to the allocation process of various resources(mainly refers to funds,etc.)used in poverty alleviation and development activities,which can be divided into two types: the allocation of public poverty alleviation resources and the allocation of social poverty alleviation resources.The allocation of public poverty alleviation resources refers to the distribution process of poverty alleviation funds from public finance,which includes two aspects:allocation channels and allocation methods.The allocation of social poverty alleviation resources refers to the distribution process of poverty alleviation funds from economic organizations(all kinds of enterprises),social organizations and individual citizens.The allocation of poverty alleviation resources not only affects the effect of poverty alleviation and development,but also affects the sense of gain of the poor rural population.It is found that: First,the sense of gain of poor rural population is unbalanced.The manifestations are as follows: the forceful poverty alleviation of government,the slightest poverty alleviation of market and the non-participation in poverty alleviation of social organizations;strong sense of gain from welfare,lack of sense gain from economic and the slightest sense of gain from society.Second,the generating mechanism of the sense of achievement of the poor rural population is the unity of exogenous mechanism and endogenous mechanism.The former is the mechanism of acquisition-satisfaction-sense of gain,and the latter is the mechanism offairness-recognition-sense of gain.From the perspective of the generation mechanism of the sense of gain,we must adhere to the two-pronged approach of improving the actual access of the poor and improving the awareness of social fairness of the poor,and work together in order to enhance the sense of gain of the poor rural population effectively.Third,the poverty alleviation of government has a great impact on the sense of gain of the poor rural population.The influence of government poverty alleviation on the sense of gain of them is shown by the dual influence of exogenous mechanism and endogenous mechanism.The mechanism of government poverty alleviation on the sense of gain of them is the administrative-power mechanism.Fourth,the impact of market poverty alleviation on the sense of achievement of the poor rural population is declining.The mechanism of market poverty alleviation on the sense of gain of them is the capital-efficiency mechanism.Fifth,social poverty alleviation has the slightest impact on the sense of achievement of the poor rural population.The mechanism of social poverty alleviation on the sense of gain of them is the network-identity mechanism.Sixth,the imbalance of administration-power mechanism,capital-efficiency mechanism and network-identity mechanism leads to the unbalanced allocation of poverty alleviation resources.And the unbalanced allocation of poverty alleviation resources leads to the imbalance of the sense of gain of poor rural population.Only by ensuring the balanced role of administration-power mechanism,capital-efficiency mechanism and network-identity mechanism,can we achieve the goal of the balanced allocation of poverty alleviation resources and the balanced sense of gain of the poor rural population.In order to enhance the sense of gain of the poor rural population,the following measures should be taken in the process of Chinese poverty alleviation and development from 2020 : first,we should advocate the asset-based poverty alleviation and development policy actively in the new era;second,we should establish a poverty alleviation resource allocation mode guided by the promotion of employment as soon as possible;third,we should strive to improve the supply system of rural medical and health benefits;fourth,we should concentrate to enhance the fairness of the identification of relatively poor rural population from 2020.
Keywords/Search Tags:poverty alleviation and development, poor rural population, sense of gain
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