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A Study On The Chinese Textbooks Of Primary Schools From The Perspective Of Reading Literacy

Posted on:2020-10-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1367330578969299Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading is the main method in which people expand their experience and perspective.A society's literacy level relates closely to a country's competitive power as well.Since the 20th Century,many regions and countries have put effort in enhancing people's literacy level.The Central Committee of the Communist Part of China,with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core,focuses heavily on enhancing reading literacy.Since 2012,"Reading for all" has been gradually promoted,and in 2017,the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council drafted and passed Legislature related to "Reading for all",this signals that reading literacy has entered the era of the rule of law.The reading literacy is a kind of natural betraying situation of the individual in the process of construction on text meaning,which is a comprehensive representation of the individual's reading knowledge,reading ability,reading strategy and reading emotion.There are many factors that would affect students' reading literacy,among which include the teaching of Chinese textbooks and the teaching of reading.This project studies the primary school Chinese textbooks.Specifically,it focuses on primary Chinese textbooks published by People's Education Press,Hanlin Press,Qisi Press.It uses content analysis,comparative method and interview analysis.The content and presentation of the three versions of the textbook are compared and analyzed,discussed.This study draws the following conclusions:In terms of the organization mode,all three versions reflect the lateral integration of the various elements of the Chinese language.But because the basis of the components is different,the central points of the three versions are different.The PEP and the Hanlin takes subject topic as its focus,while the Qisi version focuses more on subject topic and language ability.In that longitudinal direction,the PEP version and the Hanlin edition are organized in the sequence of the theme content and organized by most related to least related sequence;while the Qisi version uses language comprehension as its ordering mechanism.In our opinion,all three types of organization have their own advantages and disadvantages,but language ability-focused style is more conducive to the cultivation and promotion of reading literacy.In addition,the three versions of the text classify the text,although the names are different,the theme is consistent,which reflects the concept of gradually developing the students' reading comprehension.In that context of the content of the textbook,from the knowledge system,three versions of the textbook focus on the content of words,article knowledge and reading strategy.Only in terms of the number of words and the guidance of the reading strategy do they differ.The PEP version uses scattered learning of words and focuses learning of words.Lower grade students face more new words than the other two versions.This allows students to have a solid foundation in reading literacy.In terms of reading strategy,the Qisi version treats it as a strategic endeavor,while the other two versions treat it as knowledge to be taught.In terms of text organization,all three text books have articles that are interesting,which enable students to learn about different types of genres.Overall,the PEP version has more literary articles than non-fictions.The Hanlin version has more non-fictions than literary articles.Finally,the Qisi version is balanced in terms of the above two genres.This study uses students'learning in reading,articles content and characteristics,as well as the PIRLS evaluation system,and takes the view that lower grade students should predominantly read non-fictions,middle grade students should read a balance of the two,and higher grade students should have a focus on literary studies.The PEP version has article content,topic title and article length that are significantly broader than the other two versions,the articles themselves are further away from their readers' daily lives.Therefore,we can see that the PEP version is more difficult than the other two.But from the perspective of training students,the PEP version has questions and problem sets that are more self-directed,collaborative,and experimental,although the questions tend to be similar.It focuses more on "describing and integrating",rather than on "interpretation" and "evaluation".The Hanlin version has no reading comprehension questions.The Qisi version has questions that are more directed,progressive,and more related to the society.However,it also suffers from a lack of"direct interpretation" and "evaluation".On the subject of the portrayal of language,the Qisi version has reading guides and problem sets that are more focused on the problem of the text,the problem sets are more diverse.The PEP version and the Hanlin version use both narration and problem-solving techniques.The PEP version uses first person pronoun to help students read and solve questions.The Hanlin version uses both first and second person.While the Qisi version is mostly expressed in the second person.In terms of text illustrations,the Hanlin version has more detailed and exquisite.However,all three texts have illustrations that would satisfy the reading needs of students in terms of the positioning,informativeness of the images.In terms of reading comfort,the Hanlin version is superior than the PEP version.Based on the research conclusion,this study puts forward some suggestions for the design of the curriculum,and textbook editing.
Keywords/Search Tags:reading literacy, textbook, textbook organization
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