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The Flow Patterns Of Crime:Research On The Change Of Opportunity Structure And Types Of Crimes

Posted on:2021-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330647953507Subject:Public Security Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Criminal behavior is the tension that cannot be resolved by individual life under the reflection of social structure.Social structure is the basic factor that affects the changes of illegal and criminal behavior.The most significant impact of the implementation of the reform and opening policy on society is the change in social structure and the acceleration of social transformation.The continuous advancement of modernization does not create crime or eliminate it,but only changes the form of crime.As a result of economic reforms,Chinese society has triggered overall social changes.Illegal and criminal activities as a social phenomenon have also undergone major changes due to social transformation,and there have been changes in crime types.The existence and evolution of crimes are not shifted by human will.The number of crimes,the types of crimes,and the changes in criminal population are all social facts.They are social facts constrained by social forces that transcend individuals.Looking at the changes in China's illegal and criminal activities since the reform and opening up,the number of criminal acts once showed a rising trend,but it has begun to decline to a large extent,showing the characteristics of rushing up and down.The number of public security violations has risen and fallen,and after a continuous rise for several years,there has been a continuous decline,which is basically consistent with the trend of the number of criminal cases.At the same time,the type of crime as a crime structure has also changed accordingly.Violent crime has decreasedsignificantly,and crimes against property have increased,especially fraud crimes have been growing at a faster rate.For now,the six traditional crimes(intentional killing,intentional injury,rape,robbery,theft,fraud)still account for a large proportion,but overall they have declined,and the proportion of new types of crimes continues to increase.The types of crimes in different periods show different characteristics,showing a differentiated development trend.Opportunity structure is a macro,diachronic,and comprehensive interpretation framework.In this study,social structure is regarded as the basis of the evolution of criminal phenomena,and the impact of structural changes in different periods on the type of crime is investigated.The opportunity structure emphasizes the resources that the structure can provide to encourage and restrict,and constantly adjusts in the dynamic development process,which makes the behavior choices different because of the different opportunities.In this study,the adjusted opportunity structure theory is used as a theoretical tool to analyze the changes in crime types.From the four dimensions of politics,culture,economy,and technology,it is analyzed how structural changes provide crime opportunities,which leads to changes in crime types.As a political factor of the superstructure,it has a directional function for the dynamic change of illegal and criminal phenomena.The political structural elements represent the control that the national forces have brought to illegal and criminal activities in the state of criminal operation,which is manifested in the breadth and depth of the crackdown..First of all,from the perspective of political factors controlling society,the reform of the social management system eliminates the social punishment function,institutional barriers cause difficulties in integration,and political authority weakens the cost of crime.These circumstances have created opportunities for the implementation of various criminal activities,leading to a relatively high incidence of social crimes in China for a long time.From the perspective of the concept of state governance,the change from social regulation to social management to social service emphasizes the shift in the focus on political order,economic order,and social order.Regulatory differences in social management order crimes.The criminal justice system as a legal control of crimes is alsoconstantly changing,which also affects the evolution of the types of crimes.Criminal legislation realizes the increase and decrease of crimes and the change of constitutional elements through structural criminalization and constitutive criminalization.The legislative response determines the possible form and scale of crime.In terms of justice,the increase and decrease of the police force as the representative of the national coercive force will lead to the difference in the ability to crack down on crimes,affecting the probability of punishment for crimes,and then leading to a corresponding change in the type of crime due to differences in law enforcement.This is mainly due to the process of rule of law leading to a certain degree of constriction of police power,a situation of reduced determination and ineffective police service.The drop in the detection rate of the police has reduced the certainty of the punishment.Criminal behavior is just one aspect of culture.Looking at the phenomenon of crime through culture can we grasp its changing situation from multiple angles.After the reform and opening up,there was a strong impact in the field of ideology and culture,forming different subculture groups and inducing different types of crime.The long-lasting violent culture is still an important cultural factor that induces violent crimes at present,while the deformed consumer culture develops individualism to the extreme,and regards wealth as a rule.Property crime naturally occurs when the acquisition of wealth is blocked.The reason is that changes in the cultural structure have triggered different forms of cultural conflicts,which in turn have become the cultural basis for changes in the types of crimes.Ethics-based emphasis on etiquette and enlightenment,jurisprudence-based emphasis on rules and contracts;collectivism emphasizes the satisfaction of collective benefits to achieve individual interests,individualism emphasizes the rationality and amplification of individual interests;local homogeneity emphasizes shared value and coordination Urban heterogeneity emphasizes diversity and difference.Psychological distortions and changes have occurred in the cultural tension,triggering social conflicts,and then become a powerful inducement for illegal and criminal.In addition,the cultural concept is the value that influences the implementation of specific behaviors and has a guiding role.The changes in morals and ethics have created a new understanding of things.There is a huge correlation between the delineation of crime and ethics.The judgment of crime is first and foremost a cultural understanding.The diversified value orientation makes the society more tolerant and improves the tolerance of criminal behavior.The decline in social morality dilutes the internal control of shame and reduces the criminal's inner guilt.The development of the economy has strengthened the individual's pursuit of self-rights,and the awakening of self-rights consciousness has prompted the public to turn to interests.When an individual cannot obtain rights remedies through legal and reasonable channels,illegal and criminal acts are a choice.Upper decision decided by the economic background.China's social changes are due to economic changes,and the transformation of the economic structure provides an important opportunity for illegal and criminal acts to take place.The strengthening of the influence of economic factors on society has triggered a corresponding change in the type of crime.Against the background of abundant market economic activities and complex market relations,it has become profitable to meet market demands.Therefore,various illegal acts have penetrated in various links of the commodity economy,and economic crimes have sprung up.Under the guidance of money worship,the pursuit of wealth inevitably increases crimes of financial invasion.In addition,the market economy provides abundant resources and a broad communication platform,which greatly activates the social activity space.Economic development has changed the way and possibility of property acquisition,making the cost of acquiring property by violent means greatly increased,so property-based violence The number of crimes has been greatly reduced.The rapid economic development has promoted the differentiation of social strata and the adjustment of interest structure.The crimes of different stratums are obviously different,and the crime types of different interest subjects are different,which further extends the types of crimes.On the one hand,the logic of economic impact on the transformation of crime types is that the development of productive forces has promoted changes in crime situations and created more opportunities.Changes in the economic system have made some economic behaviors de-criminal and others have become crimes,leading to the expansion and contraction of the criminal circle.The ups and downs of economic development will also affect the criminal motives of potential offenders,especially when the economic crisis will increase the risk of crime.At the same time,with the economic development,the criminal ability has been further improved,more types of crimes can be carried out,and the crime success rate is higher.The material prosperity has brought about an increase in the number of criminal objects available for selection,and more opportunities for obtaining criminal targets.Second,the uneven regional development in the economic structure has led to the differentiation of crime types in different regions.The layout of urban space will also lead to different environments,so that the types of illegal and criminal behaviors will show corresponding differences,and crimes are frequent in urban central areas and urban-rural junctions.In addition,the migration and adjustment of the industrial structure in the course of economic development have led to the movement of population and the transfer of resources.On the one hand,crimes are rampant in the southeast coast,and serious crimes are committed by migrants.On the other hand,crimes also show the effect of squeezing crimes as the population returns,and crimes are transferred simultaneously with industrial migration.Third,in the process of economic development,social mobility has been strengthened and inequality between individuals has been exacerbated,which has led to the emergence of corresponding types of crime.The increase of mobile subjects is accompanied by the increase of potential criminal subjects,and the crimes of robbery,theft,fraud and other crimes characterized by mobile crimes have correspondingly increased.In addition,the floating population is restricted by the unequal environment such as the dual labor structure,and it is easy to form a strong sense of deprivation.The interests of the new and old floating populations have also changed.The offenders 'crime objectives are manifested in differences in resources and strategies from survival to development,which has triggered the evolution of the types of crimes committed by floating populations.China's reform and opening-up and the third vigorous development of the scientific and technological revolution are at the same period.The development ofscience and technology has a profound impact on the types of illegal and criminal changes.The development of science and technology has increased the cost of crime and has eroded the space for offline crimes.This is mainly due to the fact that science and technology can increase the probability of offline crimes being discovered and punished in the process of criminal governance;form a psychological deterrent to potential offenders;and enhance the ability of the public to actively participate in crime struggles.At the same time,the cyberspace built by technology has released a lot of opportunities and online crime has increased significantly.But with the advancement of technology's impact on life,the types of online crime have also changed accordingly.The targets of cybercrime infringement have changed from technology to order,and the network of traditional crimes and new types of crimes have emerged.First of all,the reason for the increase in cyberspace crime is the reduction of the technical threshold,the low cost of crime in the off-domain environment,the stimulation of the number of victims,and the low psychological guilt,which create potential criminals.Second,the increasing number of netizens and the increase in the depth of use of the network have increased the number of network victims,and the low sense of security in network use has increased the probability of victimization.Third,the legislation against the network is lagging and the probability of punishment is low,and the relevant laws and regulations are insufficient;factors such as the mechanism and mechanism of cyber crime governance are imperfect,resulting in weaker control of crimes in cyberspace.Fourth,the criminal learning and contagion possessed by Internet communication have exacerbated the existence of this form,which has increased the number of illegal and criminal acts in cyberspace.With the popularization and application of artificial intelligence technology in daily life,crime opportunities will further increase.It can be predicted that cyber crime will generate new changes under the background of continuous technological advancement.Internet + crime will bring about the escalation of crime,but the overall growth trend is unchanged,and it will be the most important type of crime in the future And field.The evolution of the types of crimes is embedded in the social structure and isthe result of the combined action of many factors such as politics,culture,economy,and technology.The intermediary influencing factors of political factors are the strength of social control,the intermediary influencing factors of economic factors are strengthening economic rationality,the intermediary influencing factors of cultural factors are remodeling of values,and the intermediary influencing factors of technological factors are the derivation and technology of crime scene control.The impact of these factors is mainly on the size of the opportunities they provide for the transformation of crime types.The influencing factors are dynamically adjusted as the structure changes,thereby changing the opportunity space.Therefore,in order to recognize the law of crime type change and manage crime,we must return to society and respond to modernization.Mobility is an important feature of modernization.It is necessary to achieve effective control of the dual mobility of the current society and to conduct scientific and effective collaborative governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Types of crimes, Opportunity structure, Embedding, Mobility
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