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Research On Marx And Engels' Thought Of Intra-party Democracy

Posted on:2019-01-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330596955223Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx and Engels' inner-party democratic thoughts are an important part of the Marxist party theory and an important guiding ideology for the construction of political parties for the working class.Marx and Engels always used party democracy as a basic principle for the construction of the working class political party in his writings.Especially in the practice of party building for the working class,it is more closely integrating the party's democratic ideology with the practice of party building.It has creatively proposed some basic principles of intra-party democracy and has initially established some intra-party democratic systems.Marx and Engels did not systematically discuss the inner-Party democracy of the working-class party.However,the ideas contained in it are "distributed and divine." Most of their arguments are scattered in the documents of the working party's party practice.However,this discussion is not only to solve the problems in the construction of political parties,but also is based on a philosophical level of thinking.Therefore,it is extremely necessary to sort out and explore the democratic thoughts within the party.Special attention should be paid to the fact that many of their views may have been hampered in the past on the idea of the party building of the working class,and have long been overlooked by us,and even there are deviations in the understanding of certain issues.This research is based on a comprehensive understanding and understanding of Ma and En's views and ideas on inner-party democracy,and has allowed their inner-party democratic ideas to continue to develop in reality.First,it summarizes and analyzes the historical background,ideological sources,and theoretical cornerstones of Marx and Engels' formation of intra-party democracy.Marx and Engels' inner-party democratic thoughts came about in the context of the ever-increasing contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie and the continuous and large-scale outbreak of the European workers' movement.Marx and Engels' inner-party democratic thoughts have freed the working-class party from the disadvantages of conspiratorial and sectarianism.Marx and Engels' inner-party democratic thoughts were based on the ancient democratic thoughts and absorbed some of the universal values of bourgeois democratic thoughts and some rational elements in utopian socialism.They have gradually formed in the practice of the workers' movement.It is based on historical materialism and communist doctrine.The second is to sort out and analyze Marx and Engels' thoughts on the basic principles of inner-party democracy.Whether it is the establishment of a communist alliance or the first international,Ma and En both regard party democracy as an important principle for the construction of political parties,and thus express many development parties with important theoretical and practical values in numerous seemingly scattered arguments.The basic principle of democracy within.The basic principles of these scattered references can be roughly summed up as the principle of equality among party members,the principle of unification of democracy and authority,the principle of solidarity within the party,the principle of dispute and criticism within the party,and so on.Equality is the cornerstone of intra-party democracy.The principle of equality of party members is the cornerstone of intra-party democracy.The principle of unification of democracy and authority is the fundamental requirement for the proletariat to achieve human liberation.Inner-party unity is the life of the working-class party.Controversy and criticism within the party are the key to achieving harmony within the party.The principle of subordinating the minority to the majority and protecting minorities is the basic organizational principle of the party.The third is to summarize and analyze the inner-Party democracy that Marx and Engels initially created in practice.Marx and Engels' ideas of inner-party democracy included part of the principled expositions of intra-party democracy.At the same time,there were also part of the institutional construction in practice.In the era in which Marx and Engels lived,the working-class party was still in its early stages of development or early development.Therefore,in their thoughts,there are more principled statements.However,we should also note that when the first working-class party established under the leadership of Marx and Engels was established,Marx and Engels applied their basic principles of inner-party democracy to the practice of communist alliances.In the subsequent practice of the working class movement,it constantly develops and perfects its inner-party democracy.The democratic election system is the most important party democracy system.The party's congress system is the basic system of intra-party democracy.Democratic decision-making is a key link in the party's democratic system.The collective leadership system is the basic organizational system of the working class party.Intra-party democratic supervision is a necessary guarantee for inner-party democracy.The fourth part deals with the practice of Lenin and the Chinese communists in the party's democratic ideas created by Ma and En.The principles of inner-party democracy and inner-party democracy established by Marx and Engels are still the basic basis for the construction of inner-party democracy for the Bolshevik Party and the Chinese Communist Party led by Lenin.This is because both the Bolshevik Party and the Chinese Communist Party have not changed their party building program,their purpose and purpose have not changed,and the nature of their democratic party has not changed.Therefore,we also see that in practice,the two parties have inherited Marx and Engels' inner-party democracy in varying degrees.However,the biggest difference between the Bolshevik Party led by Lenin and the Communist Party of China with Marx and Engels is that it has become the ruling party of a nation-state.This is what happened to Marx and Engels in their time.The fifth is to discuss the new development of the intra-party democracy of the Chinese Communist Party and the main path for its further development.With the changes in the living environment of political parties,the party's inner-party democracy has also encountered some new conditions,new problems and new challenges.Since the party's 18 th National Congress,there have been new developments in the party's internal democracy both theoretically and practically.In particular,there have been major breakthroughs and developments in creating a good political environment and establishing and improving a democratic monitoring system for the party and the country.Systematically combing Marx and Engels' inner-party democratic thoughts,and combining the practical experiences and lessons of the democratic construction of the Chinese Communist Party,systematically summarizing the contemporary development of Marx and Engels' inner-party democratic thoughts,and strengthening and improving the construction and development of the ruling party itself,and for our country's democratic politics.Construction and other aspects are of great significance.For the Chinese communists,the construction of inner-party democracy must first be guided by the principle of inner-party democracy established by Marx and Marx.Secondly,it should constantly innovate on the basis of Marx's inner-party democratic system.Again,the construction of inner-party democracy should proceed from China's actual conditions.In the end,the building of democracy within the party should be closely linked with the party's basic line.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Engels, intra-party democracy, intra-party Democratic supervision
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