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Ukrainian Crisis And US-Russian Geopolitical Confrontation

Posted on:2020-05-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Dmytro BurtsevFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330578952123Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ukrainian Crisis of 2013-2014 is a particular notion in international relations which has brought relations between geopolitical East,and West.However,reasons of the Crisis are very complex and can be described as a set of inner Ukrainian reasons and outer political factors.From one side inner political reasons might be taken as most valuable,because of set complicated set of historical,cultural and mental issues of Ukrainian State.This reasons are mostly objective and have deep historical reasons.From the other side,inner reasons such as corruption,domination of oligarchic groups and deep social ineqruality were subjective factors,which were proved by a lot of facts and didn't need another much evidences.The another big group of factors,which are the core of current research,a foreign factors and interest of big countries such as Russian Federation and the United States to Ukraine as an object,and tool of geopolitical influence.Author promotes his own point of view first of all from the point of view of geopolitical science putting as a background history of formation territory of modern Ukraine,as multi-dimensional country with contradictory and rich history.At the same time geopolitical perspective includes such aspects as vision of Ukrainian territories by Big international actors as a important step ground for further expansion of the spheres of interest.This point of view was mostly researched by another geopolitical and political scientists,however they created background for current research,which gives a look on Ukrainian Crisis from the perspective of the question of international security.Ukrainian question can be called one of the factor of erosion of security system in Europe,moreover,it put background on new round of growing contradictions between Russian Federation and the whole NATO,especially the United States.However Ukrainian question can be concerned from two absolutely different perspectives:as a reason and as a result.As a result Ukrainian Crisis showed growing antagonism of Russian Federation on spreading American military presents in Eastern Europe and approaching of NATO just to Russian borders.Political Crisis in Ukraine rose the question of spreading American influence on Ukraine,and particularly enormous spreading of American presence the US in the whole Black Sea region,what might cause a real geopolitical threat for Russian geopolitical security.In this case we can say that Russian Federation didn't have any choice,but react on rising threat with all possible means.Separately should also be mentioned also issue of placement of American missile defense systems in Poland and Hungary and Russian reaction on that fact considering it close to hostile.If take a Ukrainian crisis a reason of erosion of security environment in Europe,it caused change of geopolitical equilibrium in the whole Eastern Europe,the biggest one after disintegration of Soviet Union in 1991.Security results of Ukrainian Crisis are listed above:new threats in energetic sphere because Ukraine still remains one of the biggest transit countries of Russian and Central Asian carbohydrates to Europe;among other problems might be listed uncontrolled migration,rise of weapon trafficking from the zones of conflict on the east of Ukraine,rising separatist tendentious in several European countries,rising level of Russian-American tensions and grooving American military activity in the Eastern Europe and Russian sharp reaction on it.Ukraine also takes:important place in both American and Russian geopolitical views and theories.According to majority of American geopolitical concepts Ukraine is a territory which can give the US possibility to dominate on Russia and Russian territories excluding important ideological part of Great Russia.However,for according Russian geopolitical concept,Ukraine is one of spiritual parts of the concept of Great Russia.According to this point of view Russian post-Soviet policy of trying to keep Ukraine in the sphere of interest becomes logical more than from economic position of observation.Moreover,this idea of reunion of post-Soviet countries and rearrangement of post-Soviet space in the framework of Eurasian Economic Union together with other newly independent republics has really strong roots.Ukrainian Crisis has very contradictory reasons and results,it is even difficult to say if it is already over or not because of continuing civil conflict on the East of Ukraine between official Ukrainian government and Russian supported forces.The only clear result is coming Crimean Peninsula to Russian jurisdiction and it transformation into one of the vital points of Russian geopolitics,and not only as a powerful military and navy base,but also as a symbol of"Russian spirit"and military famework.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ukraine, the USA, Russian Federation, geopolitics, security, crisis
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