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Research On Deng Xiaoping's Thoughts On Political System Reform

Posted on:2019-06-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330572953534Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
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This paper researches into the thought,tracing the history of the formation and development of his thought,expounding the main contents,methodology as well as principle,and discussing its theoretical significance.Deng Xiaoping's thought about political system reform is rooted in historical materialism.Historical materialism is the theoretical basis.The materialist conception of history holds that any social form has its basic contradiction.It is the basic contradiction of society that promotes the continuous development of human society.Marx and Engels' s democratic political thought,Lenin's exploration of socialist construction and reform,Mao Zedong's theory of building the socialist country's system are the theoretical origin for Deng Xiaoping political system reform.The thought has a profound social and historical reason.The experiences and lessons of the socialist countries and the setbacks that China experienced in the early stage of socialist construction are the historical basis for Deng Xiaoping's reform of the political system.The need of reform and opening up as well as modernization construction is the practical basis.Deng Xiaoping's thought of political construction can be traced back to the Anti-Japanese War period.This paper regards the period from Anti-Japanese War period to the start of opening up as a preliminary thinking of Deng Xiaoping's political construction.During this period,Deng Xiaoping put forward important ideas including expanding democracy,improving the party's leadership and opposing feudalism.The preliminary exploration of political system reform laid a preliminary foundation for the thought.The new era of socialist modernization is the starting point of Deng Xiaoping's thought of political system reform.In the text of “Emancipating the mind,seeking truth from facts,uniting and looking forward”,Deng Xiaoping clearly pointed out that“democracy is an important condition for emancipating the mind” and “democracy must be institutionalized and legalized”.After more than a year of deliberation,Deng Xiaoping made an important speech at the enlarged meeting of the political bureau on August 18,1980.This speech not only marked the formation of Deng Xiaoping's thought of political system reform,but was also the integration of Deng Xiaoping's ideology of political reform.The speech“Reform of the system of party and state leadership” with unprecedented height put forward the urgency of the reform of the party and state leadership system.It deeply analyses the main disadvantages of the existing political system,namely,the excessive concentration of power,confusion between party and government,bureaucratic phenomenon and so on.It puts forward that the goal of political system reform is to catch up with the developed capitalist countries in terms of economy,to create the democracy that is higher,and more real than capitalist democracy,and to make more excellent talents,and it regards the three requirements as the criterion for testing whether the system of the party and the country is perfect or not.The speech also suggested that political system reform is not to weaken the party's leadership,but to strengthen the party's leadership,and the reform should be carried out in a step-by-step and orderly manner.This important speech became a guiding document for the reform of our political system.After the delivering of the speech “Reform of the system of party and state leadership”,with the deepening of China's economic system reform and the development of the modernization construction,Deng Xiaoping's thought about political system reform has been further enriched and developed.Deng Xiaoping profoundly pointed out that the reform of the political system is the key to the success of all other reforms.The depth and breadth of China's reform depends on the reform of the political system.Political restructuring has long-term and short-term goals.The reform of the political system should adhere to the four cardinal principles,starting from China's national conditions,taking its own path and not copying the west.We should advance orderly and maintain a stable and unified political situation.Deng Xiaoping's political system reform thought has rich content,broad vision,which is extensive and profound.The highlights of the thought include the party and political system reform,decentralization,streamline institutions,the reform of the cadre and personnel system,transforming government functions,improving the socialist legal system,perfecting the system of socialist democracy.Political restructuring has both long-term and short-term goals.The long-term goal is to consolidate the socialist system,develop socialist productive forces and promote socialist democracy.The immediate goal is to maintain the vitality of the party and the country,improve work efficiency and mobilize the enthusiasm of the people.The reform of the political system should adhere to the four cardinal principles,adhere tothe leadership of our party,follow the step-by-step and orderly development,and adhere to the national conditions.The methodology of political reform includes realistic materialism,dialectics of universality and particularity,and the development of things in various forms.Deng Xiaoping's thought of political reform has very important value today.It makes people understand the main disadvantages of China's political system,sets the direction of the political system reform,further enriches and develops the theory of socialist democratic politics,and provides scientific guidelines for China's political system reform.Through the study and research,we obtain the significant enlightenment,namely we must unswervingly promote reform of political system,and political system reform must adhere to the right direction and the correct methodology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deng Xiaoping, political system, reform
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