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Marx's Theory Of Social Time And Its Contemporary Significance

Posted on:2019-09-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330563455416Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the birth of human civilization,time has been an important issue that people try to explore and think hard.Especially in the modern society that constantly accelerating,in the case of time being used as a means to create economic benefits and material wealth.How to understand the essence of time and how to deal with the relationship between people and time is becoming an important issue of us.In this case,re-interpret and activate Marx's social time theory,can not only help us understand the revolutionary changes of Marx's time theory,but also provide useful guidance to handle the relationship between people and time correctly,and ultimately promotes people's free and all-round development.The focus of this research is to reveal the sociality and humanistic implication of Marx's time theory through the full excavation of Marx's classic texts,that is,how does Marx use his unique theoretical perspective and method feature to interpret the relationship between time and human.The thesis follows two logical paths: one is to interpret Marx's social time theory in the context of human existence?development and freedom;the other is to study the relationship between human and time in the view of Marx's social time theory.According to this idea,the contents of this thesis mainly start from three levels:Firstly,starting from the discussion of time issue in the traditional western philosophy,clarifying the development context of time understanding and lay the theoretical foundation for the study of Marx's social time theory,which constitute the premise of this research.Starting from the origin of time concept and people's understanding of the nature of time,point out that there are two paths to grasp the time concept in the traditional western philosophy: one is the objective interpretation of time,the other is the internalization of time.The former overemphasizes the objectivity of time and erases the activity of time,and the latter regards time as theproduct of spirit and will,denies the objectivity of time.The two paths have been brought to the extreme in Newton's absolute physics time and Kant's subjective idealism time view.Although these two paths looked quite different,but they share a same fatal flaw: regards the time as something external to the human in an attitude of subject-object dichotomy and either-or.This defect constitutes the growth point of Marx's social time theory,he formed his own new theoretical perspective?method features and interpretation ideas on the basis of inheriting and criticizing the traditional time theory,and linking the time with the human existence?development and freedom.Secondly,based on Marx's basic position and viewpoints,around his three propositions about time,there are “time is the active existence of human”?“time is the development space of human” and “time is the measure of human life”,reveal the social and historical implications of Marx's social time theory from the historical materialism?political economics and communism theory.In the proposition of “time is the active existence of human”,Marx points that human is the real subject of time,human's sensible activity and practice is the realistic basis of time.The essence of time is actually the progress of the continuous development of human practice,thus overcoming the abstraction and rootless of the traditional time theory,and completing the philosophical construction of his social time theory.In the proposition of “time is the development space of human”,Marx takes the actual capitalist society as domain,analyzing the relationship between time and human existence ? development and freedom concretely.According to the inhuman living conditions of workers and the extreme atrophy of human development space,Marx reveals that the primary cause for this situation is the time robbing of capitalism,including the endless design of“working day” in the field of social production,and the control of commodity ?currency?capital with the coordinate of “materialized labor time” in the field of socialrelationship.It is in the critique of worker's development space under the capitalist system,Marx explained that time is directly related to human existence?development and freedom.In the proposition of “time is the measure of human life”,Marx takes the creation and universal enjoyment of free-time as a handle,points the way to liberate people and achieve human's all-round development.As the time for people to dominate freely,free time not only makes people get rid of various compulsory relations,but also promote the comprehensive development of human ability and relationship,promote the generation of human value and meaning.Therefore,it should be a key standard for measuring the value of human life.Finally,using the viewpoint and methods of Marx's social time theory,analyze and discuss the time issue we faced in the progress of China social development,highlighting the contemporary enlightenment significance of Marx's social time theory,which constitutes the conclusion of the dissertation.In the initial stage of socialism,the insufficiency of development makes it impossible for labor to shake off the nature of making living completely,so it is difficult for people to establish their subjectivity status in the working time,the view of “time is depart from people” is still very prevalent.The imperfections of the socialist market economy make the influence of commodity?currency and capital still outstanding,the phenomenon of pursuing profit and efficiency maximization and occupying human life time is common.The imbalance of development makes the unequal distribution of free time among the social members.In addition,the invasion of Western consumerism values makes the quality of the use of free time is not high,the waste and deficiency of time are still very common.In this case,we must take Marx's social time theory as a guide,to providing beneficial inspiration for restoring people's subjectivity of time and promoting people's free and comprehensive development.Specifically to: firstly,replace the “object logic” with “subjective logic”,let people enjoy their working time;secondly,replace the “established logic” with “generative logic”,creating more free time;thirdly,replace the “nihilism logic” with “meaning logic”,realizing the full use of free time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Social Time, Contemporary Significance
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