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Study On The Second National Soviet Congress In The Revolutionary Context

Posted on:2019-08-31Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330548962745Subject:China's modern history
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The history of the Soviet Area is an important historical stage in which the Communist Party of China leads the exploration of China's national independence and the people's liberation.The Soviet political system created by the leadership of the Communist Party of China was the first attempt of our party to carry out a partial ruling,and provided valuable experience for our party in the period of the war of resistance,during the war of liberation,and during the New China period.The Soviet Congress system laid the foundation for the representatives of the people of New China.The prototype of the assembly system.The second National Congress of the Soviets experienced the decline of the Chinese Soviet Republic,witnessed the historical turn of the Soviet movement in China,and summed up the experience of the Soviet movement in China.However,after the meeting,the Chinese revolutionary situation changed rapidly.The Chinese Communist Party used this as an opportunity.Rethink the way out of the Chinese revolution and realize the transformation of revolutionary strategy.This article focuses on the Second National Congress of the Soviet Union,traces roots,combs processes,and extends development.Based on historical historical facts,comprehensively uses multi-dimensional research methods,reveals the historic roots and realization of the choice of the Soviet road from the perspective of historical cases.The historical process of Soviet road transformation.The second National Congress of the Soviet Union was rooted in Marx's theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the Soviet Soviet model.At the same time,it was closely related to the domestic environment.Marx's theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat provided a theoretical guide for the Soviet movement in China and became the theoretical origin of the Soviet Congress system;the Soviet Russia model was the first proletarian dictatorship in the world established under the guidance of the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat.The Soviet Congress system was the basic system and became a practical prototype of the Chinese Soviet movement and the Soviet Congress system.Early Chinese intellectuals,with Russian as their teacher,established the Chinese Communist Party with the help of the Communist International,and they initially agreed with the Soviet system.When the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation broke down in 1927,the Communist Party of China had to think about the road to the Chinese revolution.The Soviet road was the only choice at that time.So the Communist Party of China began to publicize the Soviets under the guidance of the Communist International and set up the Soviets of the city.It was held in 1931.A national Soviet Congress,the establishment of the Chinese Soviet Republic,began a partial ruling.Before the Second National Congress of the Soviets,the Chinese Communist Party established the state power of the peasant dictatorship with the Soviet Union system as the fundamental system,economically carried out land reforms,educated culturally in a revolutionary sense,and shattered militaryally.The Kuomintang's four “encirclement and suppression” positions stood firm in the Soviet Union.At the same time,the Kuomintang deepened its understanding of the revolutionary bases on the basis of the previous four "encirclement and suppression" failures,and proposed that the "three-point military,seven-point politics" strategy initiated the fifth "encirclement and suppression" of the Chinese Communist Party's regime.Preparation.The Central Soviet Preparatory Committee is the special coordinating agency of the Soviet Congress.Publicity is an important part of the preparatory work.The Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Education are responsible for important propaganda duties.Chadita's class movement,prosecution and opposition campaigns,and election campaigns are important means for reorganization of the social structure.The three layers are progressive.Cha-chat's class and prosecution campaigns eliminate obstacles for the election campaign.The election campaign consolidates the Check the results of the class and prosecution campaign.In order to protect the participation of the election campaign,the administrative divisions have been re-divided into small groups from the grassroots level.But in the final analysis,war mobilization is the fundamental task.Representative elections are the key to ensure the convening of the second National Soviet Congress.The Soviet election system under the legal perspective is more standardized.In the practice of the election system,with the focus on the election of the township Soviet Union,the election committee was established,the electoral district was divided,the voters were registered,the candidate was put forward,the work report was conducted,the election conference was held,the election was voted,and the proposal was put forward by the representative to basically comply with the election system.Gangxiang and Caixi Township play an exemplary role in the election campaign.The election of the Red Army has its independence and particularity.The district-county-province-nationwide election of the representatives of the Soviet Congress was based on the principle of indirect elections.Through elections,776 delegates attended the Second National Congress of the Soviet Union.The election process for the representatives of the Second National Congress of the Soviet Union transformed the Soviet regime and provided an important channel for women's participation in politics.In January 1934,the Kuomintang formed a circumjacent situation with the Central Soviet Area,and the Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants failed in the war under the guidance of the “Left-leaning” ideology and turned from a strategic offense to a strategic one.On the 22 nd of January,the second National Congress of the Soviets opened on schedule.The General Assembly adopted the principle of "All sacrifices and giving revolution" as the basic principle.The Central Executive Committee,the People's Committee and representatives of various ministries made five working reports and one emergency mobilization to the General Assembly respectively.The report passed five top resolutions and elected the second Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic to form the new highest authority center.The second National Congress of the Soviet Union initially summarized the experience of the revolutionary construction of the CPC during its part-time administration,and further laid the foundation for the new China.However,due to the influence of the Communist International,it inevitably engraved the “Left” mark.The Central Provisional Government of the Soviet Republic of China regards all obedience to war as the principle,smashes the fifth “encirclement and suppression” of the Kuomintang as its fundamental task,and focuses on the implementation of military resolutions to form a military,economic,and political trinity and synergistically promote various resolutions.The implementation.Redeployment and excellent red work have been carried out to ensure the supply of war manpower;food assault has been used as a combat mission;at the same time,financial and military supplies have provided assaults to provide financial and material guarantees for the war;and by continuing the investigation of the class and counter-reports campaigns To protect the military and economic surprises.However,there were deviations in the implementation of various resolutions,and the Red Bullion was not in place.The material and financial resources were mobilized.The enhanced class struggle weakened the political advantage of the political power.The military's fifth defeat against the “encirclement and suppression” of the Soviet Republic was not allowed.Do not face the transfer.With the shift of strategy and the rise of ethnic conflicts,the Chinese Communist Party gradually adopted the anti-Japanese national united front to replace the main peasant-peasant alliance,the Soviet Workers and Peasants Republic completed the transition from the People's Republic to the Democratic Republic,and realized the transformation of the agrarian revolution into the Anti-Japanese War.The second National Soviet Congress was another practice of the Soviet Congress system,demonstrating the exploration of the partial governance of the Communist Party of China.In the context of revolution,the Second National Congress of the Soviets was responsible for mobilizing the revolution.The Chinese revolution insists on linking theory with practice and taking the path of "characteristics" of China.The Chinese revolution is actually a peasant revolution.Only by safeguarding its democratic rights and guaranteeing the interests of people's livelihood can it fully exploit the peasants' political superiority;the failure of a revolution does not equate to the end of the revolution.It was the Chinese Communist Party that gradually explored a revolutionary road suited to China based on the evolution of the Chinese revolutionary situation and national conditions.The Chinese Communist Party also achieved the transformation and growth of the ruling party,a local ruling party,the Revolutionary Party.
Keywords/Search Tags:The fifth anti-encirclement, Soviet, National Congress, election, resolution
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