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Moral Defense For The Equality Notion Of Marx's Philosophy

Posted on:2021-04-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330623477126Subject:Marxist philosophy
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Moral defense for Marx's philosophical equality view is not only an important dimension of Cohen's ideology of equality,but also an important theoretical contribution he made to the study of contemporary equality notion of Marx's philosophy.Through his defense,the moral dimension of equality notion of Marx's philosophy was highlighted,showing its unique theoretical vitality.In order to show the important contribution and true meaning of Cohen's equality thought,this article attempts to explore Cohen's egalitarianism from the perspective of moral defense,and tries to fully present his "reflection","reinterpretation" and "defense" of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.Based on the logical process of Cohen's defense,this article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter illustrates the logical starting point of Cohen's moral defense,that is,his critical reflection on the traditional interpretation of the inherent dilemma and its root causes.The second chapter expounds Cohen's normative reinterpretation of the moral dimension of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.This reinterpretation is the core of Cohen's defense of equality notion of Marx's philosophy ??from the moral dimension.It is also an embodiment of Cohen's defense of equality notion of Marx's philosophy by resorting to the dimension of moral defense.The third chapter discusses Cohen's refutation of Nozick's view of equality,and presents the moral superiority of Marx's view of equality on the basis of this refutation.The fourth chapter explains Cohen's critique of Rawls' s view of equality,through which he further demonstrates the rationality of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.The fifth chapter explores the transcendence and limitation of Cohen's moral defense of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.The first chapter :reflects on the inherent dilemma of traditional interpretation: Cohen's logical starting point for the justification of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.This chapter focuses on the following points: The reality of the "proletarian disintegration" in contemporary western society has led to the traditional interpretation of equality notion of Marx's philosophy facing challenges.This challenge includes two aspects: first one is the conflict between the new reality of modern social development and the traditional interpretation of classical claims,that is,the challenge brought about by the "proletarian disintegration" and the "ecological crisis";and in the context of modern philosophy,equality notion of Marx's philosophy urgently needs moral dimension and moral argument,but the moral dimension was obscured by traditional interpretation.Cohen's analysis believes that its root lies in the traditional interpretation of equality notion of Marx's philosophy,with the core principle of " childbirth " as the core principle,to understand and analyze social changes.The main tradition of " childbirth " originated from Hegel's dialectics.On the one hand,it advocates the development of reality itself and provides solutions for real problems;on the other hand,it thinks that solutions come from within reality.Under its dominance,the traditionally interpreted equality notion of Marx's philosophy as the inevitable result of social and historical development and economic prosperity,and thus opposes moral argumentation.Cohen finally concluded that the inherent dilemma of traditional interpretation meant that the "childbirth" theme tradition must be replaced by a normative interpretation of the moral dimension.Chapter two: Cohen's normative reinterpretation of the moral dimension of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.Cohen's creative reinterpretation made the moral connotation of equality notion of Marx's philosophy prominent,and laid the theoretical foundation for his critical dialogue with western political philosophy's concept of equality.Cohen put forward a normative interpretation of equality notion of Marx's philosophy from the connotation of equality,the principle of equal distribution and the interpretation of the moral meaning of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.He pointed out that in the perspective of Marx's philosophy of equality,equality is a social relationship that people respect and care for each other equally;the distribution principle that upholds the equality relationship between people is the distribution principle that can "correct all non-selection disadvantages".In the end,Cohen re-evaluated the "self-ownership" principle in equality notion of Marx's philosophy,and provided a new distribution concept of " access to advantage " for the theory of equality in contemporary political philosophy.The work of transforming equality notion of Marx's philosophy into normative theory achieving Cohen's goal of moral defense.The third chapter is the superiority of refutation of Nozick's view of equality and moral defense.By criticizing Nozick's view of equality,Cohen reveals that Nozick's view of equality will eventually lead to a real double loss of freedom and equality.Cohen's critique of Nozick's view of equality is to first criticize his fairness to prove that "Chamberlain's argument" is too arbitrary and rigorous,so it cannot prove its fairness.Then he went from outside to inside,further refuting the theoretical premise of Nozick's concept of equality "holding justice".Finally,by analyzing the core principles of Nozick's concept of equality,Cohen pointed out that the fundamental problem is that it stipulates freedom based on the "self-ownership" principle,which confuses the concept of freedom.In the end,it not only fails to maintain freedom,but also leads to the fall of both freedom and equality.By proposing an alternative solution to the Nozick view of equality,Cohen finally showed the moral superiority of equality notion of Marx's philosophy,that is,the transcendence of the autonomy and equality of the Nozick view of equality.The fourth chapter is about the criticism of Rawls' s view of equality and the rationality of moral defense.In Cohen's view,since Rawls constructs a concept of equality based on the concept of dual separation between man and society,this concept of equality forms an "incentive theory" explanation that runs counter to his claim for equality.It advocates that if high compensation can motivate Talented people work hard,then this unequal distribution is justified.Cohen criticized the "incentive theory" not only causing theoretical confusion in the Rawlsian view of equality,but also reducing the principle of justice to a strategy of compromising inequality,which ultimately led to the flaws in justice and lack of equality claimed by his view on equality.Cohen's critique of Rawls' s view of equality not only revealed the flaws in justice and lack of equality,but also demonstrated the rationality of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.The fifth chapter is transcendence and limitation of Cohen's moral defense Marx's of philosophy.The transcendence of Cohen's moral defense is mainly reflected in two aspects.One is to form a transcendence of the traditional interpretation of the masking moral dimension in clear moral values and moral orientations;the second is transcending western philosophy's concept of equality in moral values such as equality,freedom,and justice.It is undeniable that Cohen's moral defense of equality notion of Marx's philosophy also has limitations.This limitation is manifested in deviations from some important viewpoints of classical Marx's philosophical theory,such as class ideas.In general,through "reflection","reinterpretation" and "defense",Cohen not only provided a systematic and clear explanation of the moral dimension of equality notion of Marx's philosophy,but also expanded the influence of equality notion of Marx's philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:G.A.Cohen, Marx's philosophy, Equality, Moral defense
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