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The Musical "landscape" In The Age Of Visual Culture

Posted on:2020-11-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330575996568Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper takes the visual presentation of music in communication as the research object,adopts the interdisciplinary research horizon,and analyzes the aesthetic representation and power operation of music communication in the visual cultural context through the combination of external background and internal text.And expounded his own views on the aesthetic value shift and ecological construction of music visual communication.The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the current Chinese music art from the perspective of image communication in the context of visual culture,and to study the image and video text with the visual visualization of music in various media.The basic point of this thesis is that the visual study of music is two-way.Researchers can study contemporary music communication from the perspective of visual art,and also study visual art from the perspective of contemporary music,and in the interaction between the two.Get a deep interpretation of visual culture and the spread of contemporary music.In this two-way process,critical practice is the key to the interaction between the two.The structure of this paper is set according to the theme.The first chapter "Art and Technology: The Evolution and Form of Audiovisual Interaction in Music Communication" elaborates on the general theory of visual culture background and related concepts,and pays attention to the relationship between "vision" and "listening" in the development of music art.On this basis,the second chapter "Text and Imagination: Music Visual Communication Based on Static Image and Symbol Design" will observe the meaning of the singer's image in the album cover design and music performance from the perspective of Cong semiotics,combing the visualization in static The meaning of music communication;the third chapter "Watching and Listening: Music Expression and Audio-visual Features in Motion Picture Art" will be analyzed from the dynamic music visual text,mainly to explore the audio-visual combination of images and music in MW.Features and visual presentation in live music performance in multimedia technology.The fourth chapter "Conspiracy and Struggle: The Representation and Power Operation of 'Looking' in Music Visual Communication",from the perspective of the spread of music imagery,aims to analyze the power operation of "seeing" in music visual communication,music pleasure spread The internal power mechanism.The fourth chapter,"Critical and Inquiry: The Aesthetic Value Shift and Ecological Construction of Music Visualization" criticizes the aesthetic value of music visual communication,and explores the virtuous circle of aesthetic audiovisual ecology.
Keywords/Search Tags:music communication, visual culture, aesthetics, audiovisual, power
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