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Research On The Relationship Between Na Saiinchao Ketu's Works And Folk Literature

Posted on:2020-04-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R N SaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330575495507Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Na.Saintsogt was the founder of contemporary Mongolian literature and is among the greatest literary scholars.He led the development of Mongolian literature from 1937 to 1973,publicized advanced thoughts and knowledge,and contributed much to the spiritual sublimation of our people.He and his works are one of the most important research topics in the history of Mongolian contemporary literature.At present,"The Na.Saintsogt Studies" in the history of Mongolian literature has been formed.There are several researches and papers about Na.Saintsogt,in addition to the research on literary perspective,some scholars have extended their horizons to the fields of aesthetics,intellectual history,education,and anthropology.Some scholars even believe that Na.Saintsogt and his works have been fully explained,and it is difficult to make new breakthroughs.In fact,there are still many parts to be expanded in the study of Na.Saintsogt and his works.This article focuses on reanalyzing and studying his work from the perspective of the relation between written literature and folk literatureThe writing of Na.Saintsogt is divided into two stages and four periods as the basis of research.He is a writer who spans both modern and contemporary times.His creative career is divided into two stages of different ideas and different artistic characteristics,namely the first stage and the second stage.He also studied and worked in four places where the political system and cultural and economic conditions are completely different.As a result his creative career can be divided into four periods or subdivisions such as studying education in Japan,and teaching in the old Inner Mongolia during the first stage,and studying Marxism-Leninism in Mongolia,then working as a writer in China during the second stage.The characteristics of the folk literature,as an important content of the traditional culture inheritance,appear in these two writing stages in different level.This paper grasps this feature and studies the relation between Na.Saintsogt and Folk literature in the background of different historical stages and different life experiences.This paper is mainly composed of the introduction,the three chapters of the text,the conclusions and appendices.The first part introduces Na.Saintsogt and his works,explains the basis of the close relation between Na.Saintsogt and the Folk literature,reviews the research overview,and explains the topic selection,meaning and research methods,furthermore the materials used.The first chapter,"Poems of Na.Saintsogt and Folk Songs" explores the relation between poems of Na.Saintsogt and varoius folk songs.In the first section,"Poems with Characteristics of Lyrics".the characteristics of folk songs embodied in his works are analyzed from the three aspects of repetition,comparison and modal particles based on the comprehensive analysis of all the poems of Na.Saintsogt and getting the conclusion that Na.Saintsogt created his own new poems based on the style of traditional folk songs and the characteristics of the times.These characteristics can be observed during both the first and the second stages.The second section,"The Poems becoming Folk Arts",includes poems that become new folk songs,poems that become stage arts,and a new persuasion song-"toig toig toig".His poems are concise,rhyming,and easy to understand.It is easy to integrate with music,so it has the conditions to develop into a song.This made his poems widely circulated in the tunes of folk songs or the dubbing of musicians,becoming new folk songs.In terms of tunes,in order to trace the origins of the folk songs created by Na.Saintsogt,a comparative study of the tunes of traditional folk songs and the folk songs he created was carried out.In terms of lyrics,based on the field investigation,the words of "toig toig toig" and the traditional persuasion songs were compared,and the relation between inheritance and innovation between these two were clarified.This paper also used the theory of drama to analyze the opera "Blue Satin Robe" and the chorus "Autumn Moon",in order to explain the reason why Na.Saintsogt's poems change from the language art into the audiovisual art.Using music theory and drama theory to analyze the Na.Saintsogt poetry is a new approach of "The Na.Saintsogt Stusies".In the second chapter,"Works of Na.Saintsogt and Other Folk Poems".I have studied the relation between the works of Na.Saintsogt and proverbs,eulogy,and Holboo.In the first section."Works of Na.Saintsogt and Proverbs" takes his novel"The Sun of the Spring Comes from Beijing"as an example.From the form and content,it analyzes the use of slang by Na.Saintsogt.It was discovered that Na.Saintsogt had not only quoted and changed slang but even created new proverbs.By analyzing the internal structure of the proverbs used by Na.Saintsogt,the paper summarizes the classification method of the proverbs,which is a new theoretical achievement in the field of proverbs.At the same time,by comparing the topic of the two slang collections "The Light of the Mind" and "The Book" edited and written by Na.Saintsogt in different writing stages,The paper analyzed the changes of his writing thoughts,creative consciousness and its reason.The second section,"Poems of Na.Saintsogt and Eulogy",discusses how Na.Saintsogt absorbs and combines the traditional eulogies with style of the modern era in the 1940s and 1950s.By comparing the works of Na.Saintsogt with the eulogies of other famous writers of the modern Mongolian literature,S.Buyannemehu and Tse.Damdinsurung,the tribute to the creation of the friendship between the three countries,the leadership of the proletariat,and the building of the socialism reflects to the historical period of the time.In the third section,"Poems of Na.Saintsogt and Holboo",based on the oral history of the students of the former Sunid Right Banner Girls'School,the analysis shows that Na.Saintsogt has been skilled in various forms of Holboo and has created a wide variety of these that meets the educational needs of the time.Taking the two good treasures of "Iron Yak" and "Bayin Chagan A Lake" as an example,I studied the cooperation between Na.Saintsogt and other folk artists.The third chapter,"Works of Na.Saintsogt and Folk Tales"contains two sections:"Works of Na.Saintsogt and Epics" and "Works of Na.Saintsogt and Legends".The first section discusses that Na.Saintsogt is not only good at using epic themes,protagonists,expressions,but also involved in the collection,compilation,review,and publication of epics,and has even discussed relevant content in his own literary research papers.Moreover Na.Saintsogt applied the hero of the epic as a cultural identity to the new genre of poetry he created,called board poetry.The heroism and optimism of the heroic epic are found throughout the two stages of his creative career,which is reflected in his use of opposite images and comparisons of old and new societies.In the second section,extract all the legends of the landscape from Na.Saintsogt works and analyze the methods of refining them.Due to the influence of his poetry,some legend of a certain territory have changed,and even he has become the protagonist of the new legends of landscape.In addition,through the analysis of the essay "Liu Pan Shan Mountain" subjected to the death of Genghis Khan,I have explored the technique of using multiple legends in the structure of Na.Saintsogt's works.In the conclusion,the relation between written literature and folk literature is clarified by summarizing the relation between the works of Na.Saintsogt and the Folk literature,thus further discussing the inheritance and development of literature.Learning from folk literature is an important feature of Na.Saintsogt's literary creation,especially as this is the most important persistence in his second stage of creative career.The appendix consists of a Mongolian-English-Chinese comparison table of musical terms,a list of Na.Saintsogt poems which have become folk songs,and photos of the field survey.
Keywords/Search Tags:works of Na.Saintsogt, Folk literature, relation
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