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Research On The Value Conflict Of Technical Design

Posted on:2020-02-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WangFull Text:PDF
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The development and application of technology has completely transformed the social lifestyle,and it has also brought about various problems that need to be coordinated between people and technology.As the initial stage of technology development,technology design is the basis and premise for the technology value to be recognized,created and realized.And the process of technology design includes attention and recognition of value.Technical design comes into form and develops through the recognition,judgment and choice of value of different value stakeholders.Different value orientations indicate different value interest claims,and inconsistent value interests will lead to different degrees of impact and collision,which will cause the incompatibility of the internal value structure of technical design and produces a certain value tension.The outbreak of this value tension takes the form of conflicts between technical design values.With the rapid development of technology,the collision and conflict between various values in the field of technical design value are increasingly frequent,diverse and complex.In the face of such complex and diverse value conflicts,how should we understand and interpret it?Does the formation of the conflicts have unique value attributes and operational logic?What is its manifestation?What is the root cause?What kind of responses do people need to take?These problems are not only important practical problems in contemporary technology design,but also social problems that need to be solved urgently in technology philosophy and value philosophy.In the context of the rapid development of society and technology,the value conflict of technical design is common and complex,and it is necessary to make scientific,reasonable and dialectical understanding.Based on the concept of technical design and technical design value,this article proposes a concept of“value conflict of technical design”· The value conflict of technical design refers to the contradiction and confrontation between the value relations in the origin,creation,realization and application process of the technical design value.It is the value principle that dominates and guides the value relationship in the process of the technological design value system.The oppositions and conflicts between value scale and value concept include three aspects:conflict subject,conflict object and conflict intermediary.The relationships between them directly affect the process of generation,formation and development of the value conflict of technical design.Because the value conflict of technical design is based on the differences and contradictions in value benefit of different technical design value stakeholders,its essence and ultimate source is the conflict of benefit.Its social effects include positive aspects of value enlightenment and value motivation,as well as the negative sides,including value shift and value indifference.In this regard,it is necessary to adjust and mitigate the negative effects of the value conflict of technical design.First of all,it is necessary to explore and analyse the formation of the field,its manifestation,the root cause and etc,and find a feasible thinking frame and practical approach.There are three kinds of formation fields of value conflict of technical design,namely,the moral domain,where human desires are arbitrarily collided,the knowledge domain,where the boundary of value rules shifts,and the practice domain,which should deviate from reality.In the moral domain,if the moral determination of the technical design value stakeholders,which serves a purpose of virtue obligations conflicts with their natural preferences based on other purposes,it means that they lose certain kind of moral independence from the human level.The motive for generating good behaviors also subverts the moral value obligations of the stakeholders of technical design values,mainly manifested in the inevitability of the value designer of technology designers,the value law of technical decision makers,and the weakening sensitivity of the value of technical users.In the knowledge domain,if the technical design value stakeholders violate the three principles of truth value,such as truth,confirmation,and belief,it means that the value rules of the technology design value stakeholders have a boundary shift,mainly represented by the absence of value recognition of the technical designer,parochialism of the value judgment of the technical decision-makers and the lack of reflection on the value of technology users.Since the practice domain implies a structuring process in which the morality and knowledge are;"divided by the value"'in the value mode,if the technical design value stakeholders have some inappropriateness or loss in the;"moral domain"or;"knowledge domain",it means that the value of technical design will have some realistic deviations in the practice domain,mainly in three aspects:the arbitrary value judgment of the technology designers,the paradoxical value choices of the technology decision makers,and the absence of the feedback of technology users.The performance form of the value conflict of technical design is divided into macro part and micro part.The macro part includes value ambiguity,value bundling and value bounce;the micro part comes from three perspectives:moral,knowledge and practice.Correspondingly,its root causes have three aspects:the economic self-interest in the moral field,the loss of faith in the knowledge field,and the alienation of responsibility in the practice field.Facing the value conflict of technical design and the problems brought from by it,how to mitigate,control and prevent the negative meanings is an urgent issue for a continuous,healthy and stable development of the technology design value activities.Through argumentation,this article considers that it is feasible to make reasonable and appropriate adjustments to the conflicts between technical design values,and proposes that the goal of adaptation is to build a "technical design value compromise view”for the technical design value stakeholders,which bases on the premise of“public good”and takes“moral-knowledge-responsibility"as the main line.The technical design value is properly coordinated as a method of adapting the value conflicts in technology design.In the course of its progress,it is necessary to follow three basic principles:the social norms as the bottom line principle,the ethical norms as the general principle,and the responsibility as the good principle.To be concluded,the future development of the technological design value should be a continuously benign operation and harmonious coexistence of the“human-technology-society”,instead of bringing more negative impacts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Value Conflict, Technical Design, Moral, Knowledge, Responsibility
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