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Study On Asymmetry And Co-occurrence Of The Organization "You/Mei(you)" In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2020-08-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330575455560Subject:Chinese international education
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This thesis takes the asymmetry and co-occurrence organization of “ You/Mei(you)” in modern Chinese as the research object,and discusses two aspects: the first is the asymmetry of the organization of the verb“You”and its negative form“Mei”with other components;the second is the functions of“You/ Mei(you)”and the asymmetry between them.It aims to reveal the mechanism and motivation of the asymmetry by expounding the asymmetry of external forms and internal semantic functions.The thesis mainly uses cognitive linguistics,semantics,pragmatics,interactive linguistics,and text linguistics as the theoretical basis,combined with functional grammar,construction grammar,and markup mode,in order to investigate the related asymmetry comprehensively and make targeted explanations for different phenomena.This thesis consists of thirteen chapters.Chapter One is the introduction,which mainly introduces the reasons,the significance and value of the research,the research status and deficiency,the asymmetry phenomenon and the markedness theory.Chapter Two is an overview,which mainly interprets the organization and the phenomenon of co-occurrence asymmetry,and defines the scope of the organization.Chapter Three summarizes the analysis of the symmetry and asymmetry of “You/Mei” with the nominal composition and co-presentation,and explains the reasons lastly.Chapter Four to Eight first define the asymmetrical abstract noun range in the noun component,then explain the commonality of the asymmetry,and discuss the typical cases in detail.Chapter Nine to Twelve are about the coexistence of “You/Mei”.Chapter Thirteen is the conclusion.Chapter Four takes the asymmetry of “You/Mei” and the nominal component organization as research object,and fully investigates the semantic asymmetry between the affirmative and negative forms of abstract nouns.It is believed that the asymmetry lies in the non-correspondence between “possessive affirmation” and“existential negation”,which can be further demonstrated as the non-correspondence between “subjective affirmation” and “objective negation”.This asymmetry is reflected in the affirmation and negation of the generate semantic value-added abstract things.In addition,there is a distorted relationship between “You + abstract nouns”and “Mei+ abstract nouns”.The reason for the formation of such relationships isrelated to the dependence of abstract attribute nouns and subjective and objective nature.Chapter Five mainly analyzes the semantic offset of “You/Mei” and abstract noun components.The semantic offset of “You” and noun components has positive and negative aspects.The premise is that the abstract noun component must be neutral,and it does not contain any derogatory meaning.When “Mei” is combined with some nominal components,it is not a simple opposition of affirmation and negation,but it is manifested differences in syntax,semantics,pragmatic functions and discourse.This chapter only enumerates the surface phenomena of semantic offset,and it needs more representative cases.Chapter Six takes the semantic negative deviation of“You”and abstract noun construction as the research object with selects representative cases “You Yijian”and “You Wenti” from the “You+N” which rarely has been involved in the academic circle,and analyzes the conditions and constraints of negative migration,and explores the deep motivations from the semantic perspective.It is believed that the semantic negative deviation of “You+N” structure is also implicitly evaluative,and the biased the semantics of “bad” and “bad” are basically hidden in the structure with [-Normal] sememe.Considering the reason for this phenomenon in external language,it should be based on the need to choose euphemistic expressions in order to avoid negative expressions in interpersonal communication.Chapter Seven is about the discourse interaction between “ Mei and abstract nouns,and taking the case of “Mei Wenti” with Chinese negation as the research object.And it explores from the perspective of communicative interaction.It is clear that the communicative motivation is a positive response to the three types of questions,such as doubts,imperatives,and statements.Corresponding to the functional features presented by “Mei Wenti”at different sequence positions,it has the characteristics of subjectivity and interactive subjectivity.In the process of interaction between the trigger and the respondent in the discourse,the process of the verbal purpose is different.The trigger is driven by the subject's demand,while the respondent is driven by the subject's position,and it also needs to consider the other party's needs at the same time.This interaction mechanism facilitates the formation of discourse pattern of “Mei Wenti” for responses to different locations and functions.Chapter Eight takes the asymmetry of the “ You/Mei ” with comparative functions and nominal composition.It is concluded that “You” cannot be matched with negative vector degree adjectives,while“Mei”can be matched with positive,neutral and negative vector degree adjectives.The main reason is that the grammatical meanings of “You” and “Mei” in the two comparative sentences are different,and the logical semantic structure corresponding to the ratio is also obviously different.The reason for its asymmetry is related to the functional features of “You” and the functional features of “Mei”.This asymmetry is sorted out from the logical semantic structure,and is reflected in the different comparison between the flat constract and the different constract.Chapter Nine takes the co-occurrence form “You Mei You” as the research object.According to the degree of known information or the doubt,the interrogative sentence“You Mei You”is divided into three sentence patterns: inquiry sentence,measurement sentence,anti-sentence sentence.The measurement sentence is located in the middle stage of the inquiry and anti-sentences,and takes up the majority.Different sentence patterns correspond to different semantic tendencies,the measure sentences focus on the affirmative “You”,and the anti-sentence sentences focus on the negative “Mei You”.The reason why the measure sentence can express the measure tone is mainly related to the speaker's estimation of facts or the subjective tendency about the known information.Its function mainly depends on “question discourse mark”,“sense power” and “ the cognitive transformation of doubt interaction”.Chapter Ten to Twelve take the co-occurrence form“You X Mei X”as research object,and explain the structure type,category function,evolution process,motivation,and the process of lexicalization and grammaticalization respectively.The main findings are as follows:When the variable “X” as noun,“You X Mei X” is a recessive clause combination structure in its syntactic environment.According to the “ Clause combination slope theory”,“YouX Mei X” is divided into three types: juxtaposed,master-slave and subordinate structure.And different structures present different performances in semantics and pragmatics.The diversity of pragmatic functions of“YouX Mei X” is the key to the widespread use of this structure,and pragmatic psychological factors,multiple ideographic factors and intentional factors are prerequisites for the structures.According to the variable “X”,“You X Mei X”is divided into four types,and the functions of each type are different.As the backbone of the sentence,“You X Mei X” has shifted to the idiom acting as an additional component of the sentence,and has undergone a transition from syntactic function to lexical function.Due to the thedifferent of “X” and the internal structure,the order of the four types of “You X Mei X” idioms is not the same.From a diachronic point of view,some cases are equivalent to idioms in terms of syntactic function and semantic coagulability.In addition,some social factors,such as the meaning fusion and the rationality,contribute to it.Using the theory of construction grammar to examine “You X Mei X”,it is found that the semantic interaction of“Youand“Mei”affect the“X”,which results in the semantic diversity.The construction “ You X Mei X ” is a common grammatical construction in modern Chinese.From the synchronic perspective,there are many isomorphic phenomena,such as grammatical and rhetoric construction.“ You X Mei X ” structure with idiom characteristics is a typical rhetorical construction.By exploring the rhetorical motivation of this construction,we find that the isomorphic phenomenon in “You X Mei X”,and can find the clues in the process of diachronic evolution.The development of the rhetorical structure “You X Mei X”always runs through the two paths of grammaticalization and rhetoric.Owing to the absolute urging of rhetoric and the relative stability of grammaticalization,the semantics and functions of those two constructions are constantly changing in the process of interaction,until the existing of rhetorical construct “You X Mei X”.Finally,it summarizes the main findings and basic viewpoints of this thesis,and points out the implications of the relevant theoretical and linguistic phenomena and the enlightenment in the teaching and research of Chinese as a foreign language.It also predicts the future development trend of related asymmetry,and explains the innovations and deficiencies in perspectives of research view,research objects,and research methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:You/Mei(you), organization, asymmetry, co-occurrence, mechanism, motivation, semantic offset, interaction
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