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Bijie Model Research

Posted on:2013-02-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572962246Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary History
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With the constant deepening of the reform and opening up in China,socialist modernization has got remarkable and great achievements.But,social problems,such as the regional development gap,etc,engendered with the achievements become more and more serious,especially the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest of China become much poorer and more backward,which increasingly restricts the realization of the overall strategy for the regional development in China,hinders the regional overall benign movement and joint development,and restricts the realization of the great goals such as the comprehensive construction of the socialist society with Chinese characteristics and the construction of the socialist harmonious society,etc.Hence,it is extremely important to make a profound research on and scientifically solve the regional development problems of the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest of China.This dissertation takes Bijie mode as the research object to explore the regional social development problems of the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest of China,Bijie mode is based on Bijie test area which Hu Jintao,the secretary of Guizhou province claimed to build in 1988.Further,this dissertation strives to provide lessons to solve the unpleasant and difficult situation in the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest of China and fulfill the rapid regional development and to provide reference for the development of the southwestern karst areas and the other karst areas in the world,as well as to make contributions to the realization of the overall strategy of the regional development and even the overall regional coordinated movement and the scientific development in China,through the profound and systematic research on Bijie mode.With certain theoretical significance and great realistic significance,the dissertation includes the following contents and conclusions.Chapter 1 is introduction,including the reasons and significance of the study,relevant concepts,current status and review,research methodology,innovation and insufficiency,etc.Through the literature review,the literature related to Bijie mode is more inclined to a certain field.Some researches begin from the whole social fields,but they are a bit rough.Therefore,the dissertation will attempt to make a profound and systematic analysis of Bijie mode from the view of the theory of Marxism.Chapter 2 elaborates the theoretical basis and theoretical lessons of Marxism social development.Based on Marx's,Engels',,Lenin's,Mao Zedong's,Jiang Zeming's and other people's social development thoughts,this chapter focuses on the research of Hu Jintao's social development thoughts which include the thought of scientific development,the thought of regional development,etc.Hu Jintao put forward scientific developmental thought and the early thought of scientific development by building Bijie test area at earlier stage.He also put forward the social development thought that reform drives the development and alleviation of poverty as well ecological construction in the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest and the thought of Bijie mode.The formation and effect of Bijie mode proves Hu's social development thought on the karst areas is scientific and meets practical needs from a different perspective.Chapter 3 studies the theory of regional development mode in the new era.The study concludes that the view of regional development mode so far has experienced such logic evolution as the view of economic factors mode,economic mechanism mode,economic experience mode,development mode,comprehensive and sustainable development mode.It is regional development mode that composes of the organism of the whole regional society as well as the logic process and status of the comprehensive,sustained operation and coordinated,scientific development of the society deduced from the past,the present and the future of the system.The conditions influencing regional development mode include policies,location,resources,culture,regional scope,interaction and emulation,etc.The standards measuring the progress of regional development mode include practice,"three benefits",the outlook of scientific development,endogenous nature and characteristics of things,etc.Chapter 4 expounds the development conditions and the uniqueness of the Karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest of China.Based on the analysis of the natural environment in the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest of 1988,the dissertation concludes that the areas are rich in resources,but are endowed with such unique natural environment as rocky desertification,soil erosion,karst meteorology,karst vegetation,karst river system and hydrology,and the poor and backward social reality,which are far different from that in the other karst poverty-stricken mountain areas.Based on the humanistic analysis on the reason why it is backward in the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest,it is concluded the regional thoughts,the psychology of seeking momentary ease under the national conditions,the closed system and culture,the custom and religion of the nationality,ecological culture on poverty and mountain and other humanistic environment highlight the extremely backward social reality.By historical analysis,the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest confront some problems,for example,the ecological deterioration caused by over-cultivation,the population explosion caused by traditional childbearing attitudes,the poverty and backwardness formed by marginalization and the deformed social development instructed by non-sustained development.Chapter 5 makes a research on how Bijie mode solves the difficult development situation of the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest.By comparison,Bijie test areas suffer congenital poor natural geography,marginalized location,relatively complicated and obvious bad ecology,excessive growth of population,the extremely backward regional ecology,the serious poverty with malignant development ant other typical nature.With the care of Hu Jintao,Jia Qinglin,Du Qinglin and other national leaders,Bijie mode,which is formed in the Bijie test area and established according to the special central policy,with the long help of the various social forces from the central governments of democratic parties,the national association of industry and commerce,expert advisory groups and central ministries and relevant authority,the provincial government of Guizhou Province,the city of Shenzhen,etc,makes full use of the advantageous natural and political resources to give play to the painstaking-effort,realistic and enterprising spirit with firm faith and selfless dedication in the test area,to promote the localized rural reform test around the theme of development for poverty alleviation,ecological construction and population control,and to facilitate the preliminary formation of Bijie mode and the achievements at stages through five explorations in the light of local conditions which has solved the difficult development situation of the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest to a certain degree.Chapter 6 elaborates the major content of Bijie mode.Bijie mode has reached great achievements in development for poverty alleviation,ecological construction,population control,humanism,etc,and gradually realized the interactive development of economy,population,and ecology which showed the overall regional localized coordinated development of human beings,nature and society.Chapter 7 stresses the research on the comparison of Bijie mode and the regional development mode in China as well as its characteristic.Through the comparison,it is concluded that Bijie mode,based on its distinct background,highlights the organic combination of the response to the special central policies and regional creation,the only endemic region assisted for a long run through the united front,the endogenous localized deduction of Bijie test area,the preliminary practice of Hu Jintao's thought on social development,the localized development with the organic coordination of human being,nature and society in the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas.Chapter 8 talks about the significance of Bijie mode.With the staged achievements through over twenty years' reform and trial of Bijie mode,Bijie mode presented clearly the typical exemplary role of the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest which has the important significance to a certain degree.As for the realistic significance,making the research and plans on the coordinated development of the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest is the necessity for Central Committee of the Party to implement the overall strategy of regional development to carry out the outlook of scientific development,and to construct the socialist harmonious society which is beneficial to promote the karst poverty-stricken mountain areas in the southwest of China to solve the difficult development situation,and provides lessons for the local development of regions with varieties in China.The involvement in the multifaceted support of construction and development of Bijie mode from society shows the triple winning situation of the nation,the united front and Bijie test area to some extent,and promotes the value of the united front and the innovation of functions.It is beneficial for the national ecological security,national unity and common prosperity as well as helpful to promote the organic and coordinated development of human beings,nature and society,etc.Theoretically,Bijie mode further expanded the practical platform of the system of multi-parties cooperation led by Communist Party of China,continued and developed Marxist theory and Chinese Marxist theory which further enriched the theory of regional development mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:southwestern karst, poverty-stricken mountain areas, social development, Bijie mode
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