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Warring States Tanbian And Zhuzi And His Prose Research

Posted on:2018-02-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572958063Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Warring States period in the stage of social change,caused a change in thinking.Because of the differences in thought,many thinkers during the Warring States period debated,making the debate the main social language activity.The thinker's essays record their debates with others,which are closely related to social life.The content of the debate evolved from a simple dialogue record to a mature article writing.The topic of the debates of the thinkers evolved from concrete life problems into abstract academic problems.This article intends to study the development of the debate in the Warring States period.This thesis is divided into eleven chapters to analyze and discuss the topic.The first three chapters discuss the development of the atmosphere from the Warring States,the development and evolution,and the influence of the prose.From Chapter 4 to Chapter10 the debates of the Warring States are discussed.Chapter 11 debates the influence of the Warring States talk on the arguments in the Han,Wei and Six Dynasties.Chapter 1 introduces the reasons for the formation of the warring states.The external causes of the rise of the philosophers are mainly related to the specific socio-political and cultural background of the pre-Qin period.First of all,the period of the Warring States period social and political system changes,slavery was feudal system to replace the centralized period of cultural monopoly with the collapse of the official school scattered,knowledge down,people's consciousness,seven male and social turmoil,ideological field.The space of the words is possible to talk about the debate.Secondly,the rise of the class,for the activities of the debate prepared a sufficient talent pool.Second,the harsh political struggle and the military struggle,all walks of life trying to find solutions to social problems,began to choose their own interests on behalf of the thinkers,their words,intense debate,factions,constitute the practice of discussion and researchers.Chapter 2 is about the evolution of the warring states.The beginning of the spring and autumn is the rise of the wind,the Spring and Autumn Period is Chinese social transformation period."The name of the ideological trend" set off to become "the wind of the debate" the beginning.Second,the rise of Mohism is a milestone in the development of the debate.Mozi not only openly advocated "talk",but also on the "debate" for a rational reflection,in the debate has made unprecedented theoretical achievements.Second,the debate in the midst of the Warring States period and the beginning of the debate,this time the practice of conversation in the increasingly widespread social life,the diversity of topics and thinking in-depth and new expansion.The philosophers,after long-term talk practice,began to pay attention to sum up the debate theory.It is the inevitable product of the development of rational thinking.It is the extension of thought and text collating.In the period of the Warring States period reached the heyday,the various families to live in the vertical and horizontal movement are all involved in,and the vertical and horizontal home the technique of lobbying profoundly influenced the ways and methods of discussion.Chapter 3 is the overall influence of the Warring States debate on the prose.First of all,talk about the "words like" and the essays prose "deep to take the image"relationship.The general application of metaphor in the process of debate,the emergence of allegory reasoning are "words like" performance,is a concrete way of talking.It makes the argument more vivid,vivid,is the prose to the conscious expression of literature.Secondly,talk about "things than" and the prose of the lay language.The prose of the philosophers in the form of the laying of words,in the logical relationship between the content of the rational argument on the method of both the concept of easy to accept,the language has the impact of the "debate" an important means,but also the Warring States Zhuzi prose The formation of "words like,things have more than" the characteristics of the root causes.And then second,talk about "your words" and the diversity of various prose styles.During the Warring States period,the spirit of reason was raised high,and the philosophers of the philosophers wrote their speeches.The views of each family are different,the method of demonstration is ingenious and varied,and the diversity characteristics of the prose style of the Warring States are formed.Finally,it is the purpose of talking with the philosophers of some language views.The debate between the Warring States and the Philosophers not only pay attention to the tightness of the content in the logical relationship,but also pay attention to the use of the form of discourse strategy,which embodies the characteristics of literature in this period or the practicality.The prose of the philosophers in the writings,although they are only the language tools of "winning" in the conversation,but also provide a rich allegory story for the history of literature,and many vivid characters and a variety of clever allegations.From Chapter 4 to Chapter 10 conduct case studies on each country of the Warring States.Chapter 11 debates the influence of the Warring States talk on the arguments in the Han,Wei and Six Dynasties.The debates of the debates began in the Warring States Period,and the philosophers' techniques and language professions had far-reaching effects on future generations.The beginning of the Western Han Dynasty recuperate,Huang Lao school in power,thought active to seek governance as the center of the debate around the history of Qin death lessons.After the emperor's Confucianism,the officialization of Confucian classics bound the scholar's thought,according to the argument,echoed,so that the debate confined to the ancient and modern text of the academic debate.The Western Han Dynasty destroyed Wang Mang usurpation of power,so that the rulers of the Eastern Han Dynasty tried to find the path from the ancient scriptures,the ancient and modern text of the debate once again high,the ancient writers are knowledgeable.The content of the debate tends to abstract metaphysical philosophical problems,which opens the door.In the Wei and Jin Dynasties,the political power was frequent and the life was hard but the great liberation of the thought was used up.The talk and debates were often interrogated in each other.After the introduction of Buddhism in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism became the mainstream of the debate,to Wuhu chaos north of the Han nationality to establish the Sui Dynasty,imperial examinations,the door was weakened,the argument of the wind only.Finally,the full text is summarized.During the Warring States period,the debate arises from the needs of social development and class struggle,and has been continuously peaked as the social changes intensified and accelerated.Different schools of mutual debate,to stimulate the development of debate.Zhuzi prose as the carrier of the Warring States talk about the rhetoric,with a high phonological beauty,and literature is very strong.Participants pay attention to the different techniques and methods needed to try to figure out different situations,different objects and different debates,so that ancient China has its own unique style and literatures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Warring States, thinkers, essays, dialogue record, argument
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