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Research On Relation Between Book Of Change And Wang Yucheng' Prose

Posted on:2018-12-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y BieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330548968562Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Book of Change is on the top position of the six classics of Confucian and also one of the most philosophical famous works in the Pre-qin Dynasty,which has a profound effect on us later generations.The proses of Wang Yu-cheng are closely related to the Book of Change.The article is composed of five chapters and mainly demonstrate and analyse the effects that the Book of Change has on the prose of Wang Yu-cheng in the perspective of comparison.The first chapter is to elaborate the karma between the Book of Change and Wang Yu-cheng.On one hand,in the early Song Dynasty,the government strongly advocated Confucianism and determined the Book of Change as an indispensable part of the imperial competitive examination just for the sake of maintaining the government.On the other hand,at the meanwhile,some expects studying the Book of Change accepted disciple and gave lectures broadly in the folk,which gave rise to the atmosphere of researching and learning the Book of Change.And the two points above are the external reason that made Wang Yu-cheng begin to learn the Book of Change.At the beginning,Wang Yu-cheng regarded learning the Book of Change as the necessary basis of engaging in politics,but after being disgraced many times,obtaining inner peace by studying and researching the Book of Change repeatedly became the inner motivation for him to learn the Book of Change.The acception of the Book of Change for Wang Yu-cheng not only manifested in lots of quotations of the Book of Change in his poems and proses,but also performed in writing essays specially to elaborate his point of view about the Book of Change,what's more,in his daily life practicing the opinions in the Book of Change.The second chapter is to demonstrate and analyse the conception of managing a country and cultivating one's morality in the Book of Change and the proses of Wang Yu-cheng.The spirits of respecting the heaven and loving the people,preparing for danger in time of peace and innovation had a profound influence on the conception of governing the country in Wang Yu-cheng's prose.The spirits of complying with Confucian Confucian,knowing shame and moderation are nearly the same in the Book of Change and Wang Yu-cheng's prose,which were put forward to revive the atmosphere of gentlemen.The third Chapter discusses the prosy concepts of the Book of Change and Wang Yu-cheng.Influenced by the three meanings of change such as "simplicity","variation" and "immutability",Wang Yu-cheng suggested that the prose should be "easy to be said and understood","flexible" and"propagating doctrines and illuminating heart".The idea of "by watching the people,a gentleman without mistake" in Hexagram Guan is closely contacted with the prose and historical biography which were written by Wang Yu-cheng to caution the people.The prosy concepts of Wang Yu-cheng such as "easy to be said and understood",loving ancient prose but not rejecting contemporary prose had a considerable impact on coeval such as Zhang Yong,Tian Ci and Sun He,and also the later generations such as Ouyang Xiu.The fourth chapter analyzes the relation between the Book of Change and the art of composition of Wang Yu-cheng's prose.Wang Yu-cheng largely used the method of binary opposites in his prose especially in argumentative writing,which had a certain relationship with the philosophical thought of"one Yin and one Yang is called Dao" in the Book of Change.The philosophical thought of "nothing which goes forward will not return to its orientation" in the Book of Change was absorbed and frequently used in the mothod of Head and tail the art of composition of Wang Yu-cheng's prose.The skills of "seeing big things through small ones" and "using things for Metaphor" in the Book of Change were directly used in Wang Yu-cheng's prose.Besides these,Wang Yu-cheng also used,changed and developed the sentence patterns such as "be called as","call it/them as","parallel construction +' including simultaneously'".The fifth chapter reveals the relation between the Book of Change and the characters of Wang Yu-cheng's prose.The three meanings of change of the Book of Change,have their counterparts such as the characters of concision and intelligibility,flexibility,and the promotion of the classical theory.Abiding by the principle of "words which be written should be honest" of the Book of Charnge,most of Wang Yu-cheng's prose had the character of authenticity in both affection and reason,but there still were a few of them had another character of false facts and real affection.The character of "remote aim and subtile content","the words were flexible and suitable to their prose's styles" and "the obvious words while the obscure giri" also left obvious stamp on Wang Yu-cheng's prose.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Book of Change, Wang Yu-cheng, prose, relation
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