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Research On The Creation Of Digital Content

Posted on:2019-10-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D W YanFull Text:PDF
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The birth of computers changed the course of human evolution.From the personal senses,behaviors and thoughts to the structural stratification of society,the value recognition is constantly updated with the development of computer science.As one of the core parts of computer science,digital content has been booming for only a few decades since it was formally put forward.The public's understanding of it has also gone through a change from carrier to media to interaction.However,with the constant exploration of mankind in the field of computer,such understanding shows more and more lagging behind.How to rebuild the understanding of the concept of digital content today when human beings use computers to continuously tap their potentials has become the source of this dissertation.Observing the logical sequence of "origin-structure-function-verification",takes the development of human cognition theory as the basis of its argument.Combining with the cognitive changes caused by the involvement of computer science in content creation,Thesis context for the background.Then,in this context,we reconstruct the current concept of digital content that lags behind,and put forward the viewpoint that people and digital contents need to evolve each other through creative iteration.This article argues from four aspects:the cognitive evolution of digital contents,creative thinking,creative methods and creative assessment.First of all,based on the cognitive theory of content creation and the change of cognition by computer,this paper reconstructs the understanding of the concept of digital content and digital content creation.Secondly,the operating principle of human creative thinking is explored under the context of "human-computer interaction".Through the three basic levels of consciousness,common sense and intelligence as well as the level of mental activity,the two layers of self are extended to deeply analyze the law of activity of human brain.Once again,the author's method is summarized and summarized.Analyze the application of the method in the actual creation of digital content from three aspects of development process,conceptual process and practical process respectively.Put forward four creative ideas and seven specific ways of thinking in the conceptual part and six operational steps in the practical part.Finally,from the perspective of verification,we reflect on the suitability of the methods in the conceptual and practical aspects.By means of qualitative and quantitative methods,we evaluate the methods and methods in both conceptual and practical aspects respectively,intervene between subjective decision-making and objective data,look for a suitable man-computer collaboration path,and translate the results into potential future creative experiences.This paper explores the symbiotic trend of man-computer future as the background,and reconstructs the digital content creation from theory to practice.It not only provides a reference for thought and action for the present digital content creation activities,but also provides enlightenment for creators on their own cognitive development in the future "man-computer symbiosis".
Keywords/Search Tags:Human-computer Symbiosis, Evolution, Thinking, Methods, Appraisal
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