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Cognitive Methodology Of Carroll's Human-Computer Interaction Theory

Posted on:2013-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374456253Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of modern technology, especially the increasingly mature development of neuroscienee, computer,artificial intelligence,cognitive science is paid attention more and more.At present, there are mally experts and scholars make exploration and research deeply in the field of cognitive science philosophy.Indeed,the exploration of human cognition has never been stopped,but under the modern science and technology research,it's more substantive and feasible to explore the cognltlon now.Carroll is a professpr of computer science department in the Virginia University, an expert in Human-Computer Interaction research. He empllasizes on the study of cognitive science, and makes modeling and exploration of Human-Computel Interaction with cognitive science.This article will explain his Human-Computer Interaction theory in detail from the perspective of cognitive philosophy, and discuss the use of cognitive methodology in the theory.This asticle consists of three parts. The first part is about cognitive science background of Carroll's Human-Computer Interaction, which contains team work supported by computers and Scenario-based Human-Computer Interaction's way in Carroll's Human-Computer Interaction theory. The second, third part mainly analyze cognitive methodology of Carroll's Human-Computer Interaction, which is the central part of the article.The second part is the philosophical foundation of Human-Computer Interaction' cognitive methodology, which elaborates the basic theories of Human-Computer Interaction's cognitive methodology, including the modular functionalism, construction functionalism and Simon's "ants" analogy and so on. The third part discusses application of Human-Computer Interaction system's distributed cognitioll. On the base of Carroll's Scenario-based design, from the perspective of cognitive philosophy like context, decomposition of the individual role and relationship between body and mind, this article tries to interpret Human-Computer Interaction. The fourth part is effect of cognitive metaphor in Human-Computer Interaction system. Cognitive metaphor is a tool with which human beings understand machines, and the protection of the machine more user-friendly, so studying cognitive metaphor has an important significance for Human-Computer Interaction. At the same time, they can not depend on metaphor.The historical fact of Human-Computer Interaction technology and user interface development also reflects the cognitive process of human beings, from human-computer separation,no dialogue, to the human-computer dialogue and natural language in future instead of programming language. Our scientists is making calculating join our daily environment, causing Human-Computer Interaction natural, efficient, accessible. In this process, cognitive science theory and cognitive science methods will play an increasingly important role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carroll, Human-Computer Interaction, The relationshipbetween body and mind, functionalism
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