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A Contrastive Analysis On The Expressions Of Disposal Category Between Modern Chinese And Uyghur

Posted on:2019-07-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330548457371Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Universal as it is,disposal category is common in human languages,which is a syntactical semantic category with its core semantic feature as disposal.In human languages,the disposition is always expressed in certain regular patterns.Based on the theories of contrastive linguistics,this dissertation conducts a contrastive analysis on the expressions of disposal category between Modern Chinese and Uyghur,and tries to make some reasonable explanations in light of theories of cognition and typology.In the present research,the author firstly redefines the connotation and scope of disposal category,and provides a classification to the meaning of disposal category.And then she gives an overall view on the componential elements and syntactic expressions of the disposal category in Chinese and Uyghur.Besides,the author describes several common sentence structures of strong and weak dispositions in the two languages,summarizing their commonalities and differences through comparative analysis,which is believed to have fulfilled the desired research purpose.In general,the whole dissertation consists of seven chapters which a brief presentation is as follows:Chapter I is an introduction to the whole study,in which the author mainly explains the rationales and the process of selecting the topic,the significance and the methodology of the study as well as the collection of the samples for research.Chapter II serves as a brief overview to the present studies on disposal category.In this part,the author mainly focuses on the previous research of the disposal category,especially the studies related to this category in languages of Chinese and Uyghur,with the evaluations to the shortcomings of past research.Chapter III is mainly about the definition and classification of disposal category.In this part,the author firstly defines the connotation and scope of disposal category,and then semantically grouped the category into two: the strong disposition and the weak disposition,with several sub-categories in each kind.It is believed that the definition and classification in this part are of great help and serving as the key index to the following contrastive analysis on the expressions,with which the meaning of the category has become a connection to the different expressions in the two languages.Chapter IV focuses on the expressions of disposal category in modern Chinese and Uyghur.This part mainly describes various expressions of the two languages at the semantic element and syntactic level from a macro perspective,which provides an overall understanding of the expressions of disposal category,laying an analytical foundation for the following two chapters.Chapter V mainly focuses on the expressions of dispositions related to the result in Chinese and Uyghur.This chapter is divided into two sections.In first section,the author analyzes the expressions of the four sub-categories of the strong disposition related to the result involved in the two languages,namely shifts of location,equivalence,shifts of form and shifts in quantity,drawing some conclusions to the similarities and differences of dispositions these four sub-categories of the two languages.The second section focuses on the expressions of strong dispositions related to the manner in Chinese and Uyghur.In this chapter the author analyzes the expressions of the six sub-categories of the strong disposition related to the manner involved in the two languages,namely styles,places,trials and instants,drawing some conclusions to the similarities and differences of dispositions these four sub-categories of the two languages.Chapter VI focuses on the expressions of weak dispositions in Chinese and Uyghur.In this chapter the author analyzes the expressions of the two sub-categories of the weak disposition involved in the two languages,i.e.the description of manner and the shifts of manner,summarizing several differences of dispositions of the two languages.Chapter VII is a conclusion to the study.In this part,the author mainly summarizes the similarities and differences of expressions of disposal category in modern Chinese and Uyghur.Also,the innovations and limitations of the present research as well as the directions of future efforts in this field are put forward.The Chapters III,IV,V and VI in this dissertation are the core of the study.The third chapter is about the definition of the category of disposition,the fourth chapter is a macroscopic description of the linguistic expressions of the modern Chinese-dimensional disposal category,which lays a theoretical foundation for the subsequent comparison.The Chapters V and VI analyze the commonalities and differences of the expressions in the strong dispositions and weak dispositions respectively.In the process of analyzing,driven by the samples selected in the two languages,the author firstly describes the structures in accordance of the classification,and then concludes their similarities and differences,and finally applies the linguistic theories to explore the possible explanations to findings.The main conclusions of the study can be listed as follows:(1)The core connotation of the disposal category.Disposition is a category of linguistic relations,which mainly expresses the meaning of one party acting on an object,which causes the object to bear some disposition and may produce some kind of change result,which can be implicit or explicit.The disposal must include three basic semantic elements,i.e.disposal object,disposition behavior and disposal result.(2)The common features of the linguistic expressions in the modern Chinese and Uygur language.In the expression of the disposition category,both the two languages include six elements: the disposition party,the disposition object,the disposition mark,the disposition means,the disposition behavior and the disposition result.Among those,the disposition party and disposition means are necessary components,while the following four are sufficient ones.In word order,both the two languages follow a linguistic order as the disposition party and object being in front of the disposition behavior.(3)The differences in the expressions of disposal category in modern Chinese and Uyghur.It is found that the differences are not only reflected in the main grammatical means and elemental components of the two languages,but also in their syntactic structures.To be specific,in Chinese the expressions of disposal category are mainly realized by the collocation and combination of different parts of speech,while in Uyghur they are mainly by the changes of word form;as the parts of speech in two languages are significantly different in grammatical features,their expressions of semantic elements of disposal category are in great variety,with the disposition behavior and the disposition result being the most significant.The linguistic order of disposal category expressions in Chinese mainly follows the following three: SVO,SOV,and OSV,while in Uyghur SOV and OSV are the two most important ones;in Chinese some SVO sentences and some particular sentences formed with Chinese words “ba” and “bei” are often used for disposition,while in Uyghur the most common sentences for disposition are those with dispositional verbs,the passive sentences and the action-related sentences.It can be concluded that the correspondence of the expressions of disposal category of Chinese and Uyghur can be divided into three: correspondent in general,correspondent in partial,and correspondent in none.Following the path from meaning to form,this dissertation clarifies the differences in the expressions of disposal category between modern Chinese and Uyghur.It is believed that this study will theoretically deepen the relevant ontology and contrastive research in this field,and also practically contribute to the development of language teaching and translation.With a different research pattern,this dissertation to some extent expands the scope of the study and by means of some new research methods and theories,this study conducts a systematical analysis on the expressions of disposal category in modern Chinese and Uyghur.However,there are still many deficiencies in this study,such as the lack of thorough analysis of the materials,the incomprehensive description of language expressions,and the possible competitive analysis of Uyghur.It is hoped that this study can be initiated making some contributions to the future research in this field,which will definitely be more comprehensive,detailed and in-depth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Disposal category, modern Chinese, modern Uighur, contrastive analysis on the expressions
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