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A Series Of Researches On The Famous Funerals In The Pre-Qin Dynasty

Posted on:2018-07-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:N L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330518990070Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The details of funeral rites in the "San Li" is complex,and there still remains a lot of problems when trying to analysis them.We choose Woshou,Guanren,Bin Guan,Sha,Qianche Qiandian as the object of writing,and refer to the literature of Three rite,tombs excavated materials,folk custom,religion,and so on,to text and research.Based on our investigation,Wo Shou,its shape and usage have been difficult problem s to solve.About its shape,there are four kinds of understanding,hand-wrap cloth,hand equipment of Tao,hand left or right equipment,hand grip.Kou should refer to the shape of leather mat of Jue,the horizontal belt outside Kou should be band of Jue.Anyone who refers Wo as hand equipment of Tao,Long Shou or hand grip,is incorrect.We think that there are two pieces of Wo Shou,one on the left,one on the right hand.Set of Jue had disappeared from Tang Dynasty etiquette,as a funeral equipment,Wo appeared still recorded in the dictionary of Ming Dynasty,but its size had changed since Song Dynasty.Excavation report called it "Wo",during the pre-Qin period.Coffin"Ren",Zheng Xuan referred it as "Xiaoyao" or "Jinxiaoyao","Ren" of the mourning apparel,"Ren" of "Shenyi" both has nothing to do with "Xiaoy'ao".Zheng xuan thought the characteristics of "Ren" either "Shungsha" or "Xiasha",and thought this was the resaon of its name.The way the emperor put wood stacking is right to the hight of coffin are several sayings.Zheng Xuan label Binsuo as "Bingong"while is also called "Miao".The way to park the coffin for memorizing.Zheng Xuan' s opinion that the Aokuang was for baffling the insects was accurate.Decorating the coffin includes both the bier and hearse.The decoration of coffin changed a lot since Song dynasty.A new form that combined Zhuge and the big sedan chair appeared.The shape of Sha used in funeral is different from the shape of meeting and honour guard as a kind of tools.In Qing dynasty,Sha was also called Yazipai or Yapai.Archaeological discovery think that the middle of the Sha which looks like a jade tablet is the Daigui recorded etiquette books.This is different to Daigui with two angles that explained by Kongyingda and Jiagongyan.Qianche is mentioned several times in the classic.Qianche was not only the car sent to sacrifice,but also maybe implements that only used as burial objects.
Keywords/Search Tags:San Li, Funeral, Wo Shou, Coffin Ren, Bin Guan
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