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The Study Of The Academic Thinking Of National Chinese Medicine Grandmaster,professor Liu Minru And Her Experience In Treating Infertility

Posted on:2019-02-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Full Text:PDF
GTID:1364330548485154Subject:TCM gynecology
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Objective:Prof.Liu Minru is the second “National Chinese Medicine Grandmaster” in China.She has been engaged in the clinical,teaching,and scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 60 years.She has unique academic opinions and rich clinical experience.The purpose of this thesis is to: First,through the systematic collation and study of Professor Liu Minru's books,papers,medical records,scientific research achievements,lesson plans,and the past graduate students' essays and other valuable materials,combined with clinical follow-up,in-depth analysis of research,Professor Liu Minru inherited the academic thought and clinical treatment characteristics.2.To collect medical records of outpatient treatment for infertility from Professor Liu Minru from 2007 to 2016.Through data mining,analyze the characteristics of Liu Lao's clinical treatment of infertility and the rules of drug use.Therefore,this study is of great significance for inheriting and carrying forward the academic thought and clinical experience of famous Chinese medicine practitioners and promoting and prospering Chinese medicine.Methods:First,through the teaching of Liu Minru's work,preface,edited textbooks,thesis,scientific research achievements,and teaching plans,combined with the follow-up with the teacher,summed up Professor Liu's academic thinking and clinical experience.2.To collect the prescriptions used by Prof.Liu Minru from 2007 to 2016 in the case of a diagnosis of infertility in the outpatient department of Donghua Hospital-Hong Kong University of Chinese Medicine Clinical Teaching and Research Center.Use SPSS 24 statistical software to analyze the frequency of the data.Class analysis and factor analysis;use IBM SPSS Modeler 18 for analysis of association rules for medications.To sum up Professor Liu Minru's medication rules for treating infertility,and to study its clinical features in the treatment of infertility.Results:1.Prof.Liu Minru systematically organized the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and developed the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.She made great contributions to the construction of basic theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical practice,including the development of the reproductive theory of traditional Chinese medicine.She first put forward the idea of "brain-kidney-naive-chongren"."The uterus reproductive axis";as a series of studies on the "effects of kidney-invigorating herbs on the female reproductive axis",it is basically confirmed from different sides that the kidney-tonifying Chinese compound formula is effective in regulating "brain-kidney-temporal-chongren-kidney reproductive axis".Establishing the academic view of "Kidney is the root and keeping yin as the foundation";TCM concept of adjusting the menstrual cycle,verifying that the blood circulation of the menstrual cycle is changing with the monthly rhythm and the monthly fluctuation,and proposes that "the monthly loss is not diarrhea.",“The full moon does not make up” principle of TCM menstruation treatment;put forward a new theory of metrorrhagia and dysmenorrhea;proposed TCM concept of polycystic ovary syndrome,suggested the establishment of a TCM disease name,“resin of cyst membrane,” In order to reflect the relationship between disease and syndrome and internal pathogenesis to facilitate research;mechanism under the physiology band is full;new knowledge of the physiological relationship between lactation and kidney;postpartum "multiple deficiency" scientific verification and Drug research;First preparation of traditional Chinese medicine for gynecological emergency treatment;Introjection of conception of traditional Chinese medicine;Establishment and development of new diseases,such as "White vulva disease," "Pelvic cavity pain," "Pelvic cavity bleeding syndrome," "Disruption Before and after the syndrome,"bone deficiency syndrome","early days of exhaustion" and so on.Clinical treatment is full of characteristics: heartfelt participation in the West,inheritance and innovation;drug-based,physical and mental adjustments;three-in-one-fitness,flexibility;different treatment of the same disease,different diseases and treatment;pay attention to the general,research problems;Source,control synchronization.Treatment of menstrual diseases,elective treatment;Treatment of disease,polycystic ovary syndrome,blood syndrome,gynecological pain,with card,gynecological fever,gynecological card,sputum syndrome and menopause have rich experience and experience,Repeatedly gaining good results.2.In this study,a total of 158 patients with infertility treated by Professor Liu Minru from 2007 to 2016 at the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals,Hong Kong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Research Center of Hong Kong University were collected.158 prescriptions,using 167 Chinese herbs,a total of 2519 doses,an average of 15.08 per prescription medication.From the analysis of the frequency of drug use,the first 11 Chinese herbal medicines with higher frequency and frequency of use were: hawthorn,white peony,yam,gardenia,rehmannia,dodder seed,chuanxiong,angelica,epimedium,antler,turtle shell glue..Statistics from the summary of medicinal properties show that the use of drugs is the most common(31.15%).According to statistics from the drugs,the use of drugs was the most common in the liver(30.2%)and kidney(20.8%).Statistics from drug categories showed that the use of drugs to restore the most drugs(53.9%),followed by blood circulation drugs(10.9%),heat drugs(10.5%).Among the tonic drugs,the distribution of tonic drugs,yin yang drugs,qi drugs,and blood-borne drugs were relatively evenly distributed.The clustering results show that Professor Liu Minru's core drugs for infertility treatment are: hawthorn,Chinese yam,gardenia,rehmannia,dodder seed,chuanxiong,epimedium,antler,and tortoiseshell gum.These are all drugs for liver and kidney;2 types of Angelica and 3 types of Angelica sinensis and Rhizoma Chuanxiong,nourishing and promoting blood circulation;4 types of Citrus aurantium and Bupleurum qi and Qi;5 types of Psyllium and 6 types of Radix Atractylodes,Atractylodes Rhizome,Zhigancao,and Lishui to dampen spleen;followed by drugs with the license and addition and subtraction of drugs,such as peony skin heat and cooling blood,jaundice qi.Factor analysis results showed that factor 1 is composed of Zuoguiwan's drugs,nourishing yin and tonifying the kidneys,filling lean marrow,indicating that Professor Liu Minru's treatment pays attention to kidney supplementation.Factor 2 consists of blood and blood products,indicating that the adequacy of blood gas is also important for the treatment of infertility."Spermatoglycemia,blood essence," and blood and yin essence are interconverted.Factor 3 has advantages of water diversion and moisturizing,and peony leather has the effect of clearing heat,promoting blood circulation and activating blood circulation,eliminating dampness blockage or blockage of heat and phlegm,and making it possible to make up without stagnation."Circulation" thought.Factor 4 licorice,Atractylodes,Poria,spleen drugs.Factor 5 shell,Bupleurum,for the liver,qi,gas medicine.Factor 5 jaundice qi,white wolfberry nourishment,reflecting Professor Liu Minru's treatment of infertility,qi and blood double complement,blood and blood with the same tone.Factor 7 Epimedium temperature,warming kidney impotence,cold front vehicle,water diuresis,but also for the seed drugs,both cold and warm,beneficial tones,with ovulation power.From the analysis of association rules,on drug discovery,Professor Liu Minru found that she had the following experience: Hawthorn+ Epimedium,Hawthorn and Kidney Yin,Epimedium and Kidney-Yang,and common use of kidney yin and kidney yang to adjust the power to help ovulation.The transformation of yin and yang has the effect of promoting ovulation;spleen and dampness,commonly used medlar + Atractylodes macrocephala;Citrus aurantium + Motherwort,Citrus aurantium qi,Motherwort blood circulation,blood and tone,help blood running,often used in qi stagnation Diseases such as sputum syndrome or dysentery;dodder seed + wolfberry fruit + schisandra,dodder seed,wolfberry child kidney yang,essence essence blood,schisandra child kidney astringent,all are seeds,take the meaning of "subsistence child",treat infertility Symptoms;Achyranthes + Platycodon,used in combination,one on top of the other to make blood pass through Dali;moutan skin + Cork,in addition to kidney heat,rule phase fire;Hawthorn + Ophiopogon + Rehmannia Kidney Yin;orange kernel + Litchi nucleus + hawthorn + clam shell gas qijie,clinically used in the treatment of a class of diseases.The clinical features of Professor Liu Minru's treatment of infertility are: heartfelt participation in the West,trial because of the first;kidney fill in essence,Zuogui Pill-based;combination of syndromes and syndromes,with the certification;adapt to menstruation,elective treatment;blood homologous,Liver and kidney Tongzhi;medication peace,Tom Lee blood;drugs,physical and mental adjustment Concolusion:Prof.Liu Minru has a distinctive academic viewpoint.Under the viewpoint of her “brain-kidney-naive-chongren-subject reproductive axis”,she believes that many gynecological diseases,including infertility,are caused by this disorder of the reproductive axis.Treatment pays special attention to kidney,to the brain of the brain to save the blood,blood,transfer red.Treatment of infertility,kidney-based,Zuogui Wan is the main party,with the combination of disease differentiation and syndrome differentiation,with the approval of the sanctions;follow the menstrual cycle elective treatment;due to homologous blood,combined with Liver and blood;medication peace Pay attention to the circulation of blood;pay attention to the patient's psychological counseling.The treatment is characteristic and quite effective.It is worth learning from.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Minru, National Chinese Medicine Grandmaster, academic thoughts, infertility
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