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Study On The Image Of Landscape Places

Posted on:2020-04-19Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1362330626950298Subject:Landscape Architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Image is the core of all artistic aesthetics and artistic creation,while image of landscape place is the core of experience and creation of landscape place.Based on the perspective of aesthetic experience,this paper studies the image of landscape place from the perspective of landscape place,aiming at putting forward the basic strategies and methods of image construction of landscape place through the analysis of image experience of landscape place and on the basis of analyzing the structure relationship of image of landscape place.The so-called landscape place image refers to the overall atmosphere of the perceptual situational implication of the landscape place,which illuminates the reality of our existence,enables us to get the spiritual return from the free experience of the presence,and gives us an aesthetic pleasure of tour and view.Unique space quality,complete landscape situation and abundant place implication are the basic components of the image of landscape place.They change with the change of place landscape in time and space.Landscape place image is the unity of aesthetic subject and aesthetic object.It is the combination of emotion and scene.Both of them are indispensable.Landscape place image can only exist in the aesthetic activities of body perception.Through the body participation and the role of interaction and perception,from the perceptual intuition of audiovisual to the mental experience beyond audiovisual,the image presentation of landscape places is a brilliant spatial perception and a landscape situational implication reflecting our physical and mental feelings.In this image manifestation,it includes from the scene to the image,from the image to the idea,from the virtual to the real,from the real to the virtual,and the generating mechanism of "the combination of the virtual and the real".This generation mechanism can be realized through the dynamic interactive operation and circular presentation of the three elements of scene,sightseeing and thinking.Instantaneous intuition is the symbol of image generation in landscape sites.Through the four stages of aesthetic activity process of view,feeling,travel and thinking,in the formation of the relationship between reality and virtual at the four levels of emotion and object,perception and scene,action and scene,imagination and scene,,four kinds of intuitive imagery are realized,namely,instant perception of mind,sensation and emotion,moving by feeling and inspiration.In the real experience of landscape places,the image of landscape places mainly occurs in the perceptual attention and scene attraction before we arrive at the place,the body synaesthesia and space-time imagination when we meet the place,the random and occasional scene-seeking encounter when we meet the place,and the clear sightseeing and recumbent pleasure after leaving the place.The aesthetic pleasure produced four contexts: includes the pleasure of intuition and the pleasure of ear and eyes,the pleasure and pleasure of the scene,the pleasure and pleasure of freedom of body and mind,and the ease and ease of mind and spirit of harmony of morality.Landscape place image can only exist in aesthetic perception,but it can only be maintained and existed under the condition that landscape place has aesthetic potential.Corresponding to the three elements of scene,sightseeing and thinking in the mechanism of the combination of virtual and real,we find that the three factors of sensible scene,imageable atmosphere and imaginable virtual and real are the spatial basis of the existence of the image of landscape sites.First of all,perceptible images are the basis of visualization.The relationship between "figure" and "background" is the cause of perceptible scenery,which is mainly embodied in the five elements of perceptible spot scenery,scene,space,path and stop point,and the perceptible scene form formed by these five elements.Secondly,imageable atmosphere is the basis of manifestation.The relationship between "style" and "type" is the cause of the imageable atmosphere,which is mainly embodied in the imageable spatial form and the imageable atmosphere type.Thirdly,imaginable emptiness and reality are the basis of explicit phenomena.The relationship between "abstract" and "concrete" is the cause of imaginable reality,which is mainly embodied in two aspects: imaginable structural form and imaginable theme content.At the same time,the above three spatial factors become the structural basis of the image of landscape sites.Therefore,from the outside to the inside,there are six levels of aesthetic structure relationship between the aesthetic subject and the landscape place,which together constitute the complete structure system of the image of the landscape place.Firstly,in the aesthetic relationship between vision and scenery,the relationship between visual constancy and the original image of the "allele center" makes us change from "image by idea" to "image by landscape",thus realizing the image generation of "sense by object,namely the feeling by sight,the heart by sight".Secondly,in the aesthetic relationship between perception and scenery,the relationship between body perception and characteristic Qingming makes us change from rational identification to landscape perception,thus realizing the image generation of "sensation and emotion,imagery and desire".Thirdly,in the aesthetic relationship between body and space,from the "heterogeneous isomorphism" relationship between body schema and space situation,we can change from static perception to sightseeing perception,thus realizing the image generation of "moving by feeling,turning with things".Fourthly,in the aesthetic relationship between vision and space,from the "interactive progressive" relationship between visual power and space flow,we can change from indeterminate to knowing and acting in the context,thus realizing the image generation of "moving scenery,pulling along with the scenery".Fifthly,in the aesthetic relationship between behavior and place,the "interactive expansion" relationship between physical action and place Xiaosan makes us change from subjective action to random response,thus realizing the image generation of "wandering around,wandering back and forth".Sixthly,in the aesthetic relationship between horizon and scene,the "space-time blending" relationship between horizon fusion and scene connection enables us to change from ideological activity to perceptual integration,and finally realizes the generation of the artistic conception of "divine and wonderful insights,meaning comes out of context".The analysis of the above six levels of image structure provides a reliable theoretical basis for the strategy of image construction in landscape sites.Guided by the principles of naturalness,authenticity of life,physical use of landscape and historical and cultural nature of landscape,this paper puts forward six basic strategies for image construction of landscape sites: atmosphere strategy,ambiguity strategy,negation strategy,attraction strategy,freedom and association strategy,narrative and media strategy.Firstly,from the perspective of fully exploiting and utilizing the advantages of site resources,this paper puts forward the strategy of atmosphere.Secondly,in order to establish the relationship between adjacent sites and realize the spatial circulation between landscape sites,a fuzzy strategy is proposed.Thirdly,in view of the location management of landscape sites,the negative strategy is put forward to show the unique quality of site space by artistic means.Fourthly,the attraction strategy is put forward to realize the sustained attention problem in the tour path.Fifthly,according to the difference of the original situation and conditions of land use,the paper puts forward the strategy of freedom and association.Sixthly,narrative and media strategies are put forward to enhance the artistic atmosphere of landscape space.The six strategies mentioned above are based on respecting the characteristics of the site itself and taking into account the experience needs of the main body,which together constitute a general design idea guided by experience.The study of landscape place image based on aesthetic experience is a pioneering work on the basis of inheriting the traditional Chinese garden construction thought,and has constructed the basic theoretical framework of landscape place image.Its research results have certain theoretical value for the study of landscape aesthetics.It is of great significance and value to the modern inheritance and development of Chinese traditional landscape space design theory,and has certain reference value to the conception and ieda of modern landscape design construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape place, Imagery, Experience, Build
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