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The Research On Ecological Implications Of Marx's Productivity Theory And Its Contemporary Values

Posted on:2021-04-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C B XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1361330620976621Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research on ecological implications of Marx's Productivity Theory not only has the international background with the immediate pressure of ecological crisis as well as reflection of our development model,but also includes the domestic needs for the construction of the ecological civilization and a beautiful China.Additionally,the research also satisfies the needs of the Historical Materialism meeting challenges of our time,especially the internal development need for rediscovery of productivity theories.The scholars at home and abroad have made some achievements in this field.However,what they have done in the past has mostly focused on putting forward and reflecting individual issues of traditional productivity theory,and those studies are quite necessary.At present,the conscious and systematic research on ecological implications of Marx's productivity theory is still lacking.Thus,It is urgently necessary to improve the methods of fragmentation research and decentralized discussion on breaking up the whole into parts as well as systematic research and comprehensive advancement.The essence of traditional productivity “Conquest Theory” is the performance of extremely anthropocentric values in the real world matching with industrial civilization,which has realistic basis,epistemological foundation and ideological roots.The imbalance of natural ecosystem,the anomie of modern social economic system and the disorder of human survival system are the three dilemmas confronting the productivity conquest theory,a deep reflection and criticism of those issues are the premises on which the ecological connotation of productivity is based.From the perspective of Marx's ecological philosophy,Marx has the important thoughts of the harmonious development of productive forces,natural resources and ecological environment.He also has comprehensive strength in consciously understanding and utilizing nature and carrying out material transformation,energy conversion and information exchange with it in practice.In particular,its natural productive forces,material transformation and overall thinking enable it to have the rich ecological connotation of natural ecological reproduction and economic and social reproduction.The essence of Marx's productivity is the coordinated strength of the unity of the contradictions between the human beings and the nature.The research on the ecological implications of Marx's productivity,which impels productivity development to follow the natural ecology rules,gives full play to the people known as the laborer self-consciousness in promoting rational utilization of resources,and also impels productivity development to choose the way for harmonious development of human being and nature,As a result,the research has important academic value and practical significance.Essential substantive factors of productivity have the internal essence of ecological direction.Laborer is the unity of natural and social attributes.The essential prerequisite of having the best effect on productivity for the laborer with natural property is to obey ecological laws,and to exert division of labor and cooperation following the optimal combination of ecosystem.Under the Capitalist System,the basic reason for the laborer who has been exploited and alienated is the separation from capital goods.Labor is the source of all wealth only as long as it has both the subject of labour,which is made of natural things and raw material,Resources can be used continuously,on condition that different characteristics of resources must be taken into account in rational exploration.we follow different kinds of characteristics.Labor tool is an important symbol of the ability of material transformation between man and nature;the land has provided workplace and necessary space for the labor;machine alienation has aggravated double oppression and exploitation against laborer and labor object.We should standardize the negative effect of science and technology by ecological principles,develop ecological science and technology vigorously,and educate people to raise their global environmental awareness with environmental thought to make them become a generation of new ecological person bearing the ecological control.The structure of productivity has been experienced three stages: “two productions”,“three productions” and “overall productions”,which includes natural productivity,social productivity,population productivity and so on.The natural productivity which is the foundation of physical wealth and spiritual wealth has been the primary source of productivity development;the essence of social productivity is the material transformation of productivity development,which can run smoothly on condition that we take intensive production and make comprehensive use of resource-saving;In order to prevent population productivity,which is the dynamic force of productivity development,from being imbalance and alienation,we should pay more attention to the matching of population production with material production.Exploiting the ecological implications of productivity styles has an doctrinal value and a new epoch meaning on further understanding and overall coordination of the relationship among resource,energy and environment,economic and social development,and moderate population production,practicing the concept of giving priority to ecology and green development,building “Two-oriented” society based on ecological security and perfecting the double guarantee system about ecological good law and environmental morality.The ecological function of productivity depends on the orderly and efficient material transformation among nature,mankind and nature,and human society.The metabolism of nature bears the function of natural productivity;the material transformation between mankind and nature exerts effects on labor productivity;the material transformation within society bursts out the efficiency of social productivity.Capital logic of Capitalism violates the law of material transformation,causing the fracture of material transformation.Capitalist system destroys the source of wealth,which pollutes city environment as well as causes rural depression,all of which alienate ecological basis and environmental conditions for human survival and development.In order to eliminate the metabolic rift,we should start with the thinking reformation of the two-way interaction between human and nature and the recycling of organic waste,technological innovation of machine improvement and scientific progress,and eliminating the capitalist system.The significant reference value of the ecological function of Marx's productive forces lies in establishing resource-saving type society by developing recycling economy and low-carbon economy,promoting ecological agricultural innovation by paying great attention to remediation and restoration of land;and exploring the green urban and rural model by optimizing the ecological spatial pattern.Traditional productivity standards are mainly based on labor productivity and production tools,which point to economic and technological fields unilaterally and are lack of ecological dimension.Thus,the standard of productive forces not only includes both technological and economic standards of human society,but also reflects the ecological standards that whether economic and technological operation is in line with the long-term and overall interests of human beings.Ecological standard of productive force requires us to strictly observe the rules that the productivity development should be controlled by the threshold limit of ecological carrying capacity,and the comprehensive utilization and development of resources should be under the maintenance of ecological balance,in the hope of achieving expanding the use of natural productivity and the win-win situation of economy,society and ecological environment.Deep understanding and practicing the productivity ecological standards have important evaluation and consideration values in helping people establish some ecological ideas that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable asset” “protecting the ecological environment means protecting productivity” “improving the ecological environment is developing productivity”.Reflecting the limitations of traditional productivity theories,we further explore the ecological connotation of productive forces,display the ecological elements of productive forces,optimize the ecological structure of productive forces,give full play to the ecological functions of productive forces,and uphold the ecological standards of productive forces,calling for insisting on the theoretical character and practical quality of ecological implication of Marx's Productivity Theory,which has been keeping pace with the times.In other words,the thesis attempts to make positive theoretical contributions to the concept of green development,the construction of ecological civilization and the practice of a beautiful China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx's theory of productivity, ecological implication, ecological elment, ecological structure, ecological function, ecological standard
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