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Study On Lenin's Thought Of Socialism Commodity-Money Relationship

Posted on:2017-01-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330488480327Subject:History of development of Marxism
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The relationship between commodity and currency in the socialist background has been controversial among Marxists and scholars. The founders of the scientific socialism believe that socialism is an ideal human social system, produced in a highly developed capitalism, representing the development direction of the advanced productive forces. It's a commonwealth of the free people when the private ownership was dispelled. That is to say the ownership of the means of production belongs to the public, and society products are allocated according to the labor time standard. Marx and Engels' concept that the socialism will not exist in the relation between commodity and currency because the products no longer have the attributes of the goods if they can not be exchanged, and currency will not exist for the disappearance of the commodity. But the founders consider that the private ownership can not be abolished immediately for any corner of the world may be involved in the world market, which, to a certain degree, means that they admitted money relationship may still exist in socialist society commodity. Engels Marx's understanding, however, had not been understood for most of the Marxists.Lenin, the great Marxist theorist and practitioner, not only led Russian people won the victory of the October Revolution, turning the scientific socialism from theory into reality, but also developed the theory of the relation between goods and currency during the socialist construction. In the initial practice, taking the thought of the founders of Marxism that there will not be any relations between the commodity and currency, Lenin implemented the policy of rejecting the commodity money relationship i.e. the War communism, resulting in a serious political and economic crisis. The fault of the wartime communism policy enabled Lenin soberly to aware that the commodity exchange must be recovered, and they had to go a "detour" path to achieve the transition to socialism when building the socialism in the backward economy and peasant dominated Soviet. Since March 1921, the Soviet government led by Lenin began a series of strategies of "retreat", and started the new economic policy changing the the surplus collection system into grain tax. After the implementation of the new economic policy, Lenin further understood that it's not enough only to recover the exchange of commodity, it should also back to the trade in goods with the relation between goods and currency were also admitted. And during this period, Lenin discovered the socialist commercial and claimed to act according to the principle of business, and ultimately he formed Lenin's socialist commodity money relationship thoughts. Due to the implementation of the new economic policy, which took Lenin's thought as the main content, the backward Soviet Russia quickly moved out from its domestic political and economic crisis, and at the end of 1928, the economic recovered to pre war levels, and that means Lenin's socialist commodity money relationship was tested correctly by the practice. Lenin's theory should have been a general guideline for the socialist construction of backward countries. However, Lenin could not make the the socialist commodity monetary relations thought systematic and institutionalized due to his early death, coupled with the fact that his successor and the Party leadership did not understand the true nature of the new economic policy, Lenin's socialist commodity money relations thoughts lost the opportunity to build its own theory at the beginning of the practice of the scientific socialism theory.After the death of Lenin, when it comes to persisting or abolishing new economic policy which based on Lenin's socialist commodity money relations the Soviet Communist Party ever debated it twice. Later, Bukharin, who understood the essence of Lenin's socialist commodity money relations unfortunately, failed because of a power struggle with Stalin's traditional understanding of adhering to the policy that socialism must abolish commodity-money relationship, Then Soviet socialist construction also followed them into the highly centralized planned economic development mode, namely the Stalin mode. This mode had affected the following socialist states.In the early stage of new China, just like other Eastern European countries, China copied the Stalin model, until TNCCPSU Khrushchev comprehensive negation of Stalin, the talent of the Communist Party of China began to re-exploration of development path. As the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe had been out of the Stalin model, which finally led to the drastic changes in Eastern Europe at the end of twentieth Century, and also brought a major setback to the world socialist movement. Although after the Eight CPC National Congress taking Mao Zedong as the core leader of CPC, they began to explore socialism and think the commodity -money relationship deeply. Until the late 70's of the last century, with Deng Xiaoping's great leadership and far sight, China has a new understanding of the Lenin's commodity-money relationship and acceded at the critical moment. By putting forward socialist market economy creatively, the next leaders of the CPC adhere to the socialism with Chinese characteristics and form socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics in the process of establishing and perfecting the socialist market economic system.China has made remarkable achievements during the past 30 years, it has become the second largest economy in the world. It also built a well-off society with the improvement of people's living. However, the argument of how to better integrate the socialism and the market economy which supports the relationship between commodity has never stopped, from the early period of "Cross the river by feeling the stones" to today's reform entering the deep water area. Therefore, when the world economy is still in recovery, and at the critical stage when China's economic development presents the "new normal" and its reform has entered a deep water area, to sum and comb Lenin's socialist commodity money relationship thoughts can make people further understand that the essence of socialism is to emancipate and develop productive forces, and it can alert people to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, it makes people to attach importance to agricultural development, to see the reform direction and to strengthen the reform and opening belief; it can also enlighten people that we must unswervingly take economic construction as the center in the current, and deepen the reform with people-oriented along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lenin, socialist commodity money relationship thoughts, socialism with Chinese characteristics
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