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Educational Narrative:the Growth Of A Principal In Minority Areas During Reshaping School Culture

Posted on:2018-08-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R M LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1317330518483268Subject:Doctor of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are two key points in school running:One is school culture,and the other is the principal.This is a story of the growth experience of a principal in a minority area,trying to tell the readers how the principal grew up with the school in the reshaping of school culture.As a new member in the "Southwest" Secondary School,"the principal" perceived the bad culture in the school culture immediately.After tracing the causes of founding it,"the principal" began the reshaping process of the school culture in the "Southwest" Secondary School.In the comparative study of the two school cultures before and after the reshaping of the "Southwest" Secondary School,it is found that "the principal" had grown up in the reshaping of school culture.Going through the narrative research on the "Southwest" Secondary School culture reshaped by"myself" being the principal in minority areas,together with essential social history background and people within the school culture,especially going through the research on key cultural consultants,the conclusions can be obtained:I.The Key to Reshaping School Culture:the Internal DevelopmentFirst of all,to reshaping school culture,we must exercise caution.It must be based on the objective facts of every school.Additionally,it can neither be done by merely shouting slogans or going with the time,nor for being regarded as an educational executive leader or principal's chivalrous gesture.It is a must for us to follow the law of education and implement rationally.Only when the school culture is in need of reshaping,it is reasonable.The process of reshaping school culture cannot be counterfeit,nor can it be feigned.We can only perfect it to create a better school culture.Secondly,the school culture reshaping should be based on the school's educational life,for that the school staff,students and even their parents' daily educational life are constantly influence the development of school culture and continue to give its new meaning.The real reshaping of school culture consists of daily words and deeds of every participant in the school,especially for their stories.Because only when people all consciously promote the development and progress of school culture,the school's superior core value can be visualized.Thirdly,the focus of school culture reshaping is people.People are not only the driving force of school culture reshaping,but also the carriers of school culture inheritance and development.Generally speaking,inferior school culture counts on people to reshape,meanwhile,superior school culture also relies on people for the maintenance of its sustainable development.Therefore,the pillar of reshaping school culture is the people who have the consciousness of playing the role of"educator"-the real "intellectual".Namely,the key to reshaping school culture is to cultivate people's way of thinking and their attitude and standards of doing things.?.Principal's Path of Professional Growth in Reshaping the School CultureThe leader of educational culture should consciously become the ideal pursuit for principal to run schools.The principal decides school-level objectives and direction of running school as well as the specific management of the school affairs;because of the leader's role,he plays an important role to school's good survival and healthy development.However,since there are internal factors(the school culture)and external factors(the school environment)in each school to restrain principal's function,the role of the principal in school culture reshaping is between omnipotent view of principal and symbolic view of principal.Consequently,in addition to the principal's personal qualities,abilities and other factors,the principal's positioning of their role in the new environment is also another important aspect affecting his function.The role of the principal should present a different role set in accordance with the characteristics of different school cultures.The position of maintaining three roles evenly in the reality does not exist.Also,the principal who adhere to the single role cannot reshape school culture well.Different school culture requires different focus of principal's role set.The "manager" and the "leader" are merely positions during the process of school running.The "educator" is the ultimate goal of principals when running the school.After the growth,principals should be the "educators" of high emotional intelligence,high intelligence,and the guardians of education as well as have a firm faith in education.The path of professional development of school principals in reshaping school culture must be a combination of "learning","thinking" and "action".It is a process of continuous and spiraling rise of"practice-reflection-practice".The principal must pay more attention to practice at the same time to action research.This requires principals to grow from practitioners to researchers,from knowledge consumers to knowledge creators and producers,from "knowledgeable man" who are nice to people and do things right to "intellectual".Therefore,the principal should consciously create the conditions,opportunities to make up for their shortness due to busy in practice and lack of academic attainment,consciously generate practical experience and knowledge of educational management to academic knowledge,in order to better serve the education management.
Keywords/Search Tags:the principal, school culture, reshaping, growth, educational narrative
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