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The Study Of Chinese Social Organization Development Based On Marxist Vision

Posted on:2018-01-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330542458131Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the classical theory of Marxism,everyone has a different value for life.They turn it into reality through different social organizations.Marx and Engels claimed that everyone has two important freedom ideals of life.One is the political freedom.the other is the full freedom.The political freedom is achieved through the state.The full freedom is achieved through the new social organization.In the state,individuals get political liberation.We see that the political freedom is only one part of freedom.So,the true freedom has not yet been achieved.Marx and Engels considered that only in the new social organization,people can really get free.Obviously,Marx and Engels regarded social organization as a mediator of freedom.So,in Marxist classical theory,two kinds of freedom are come true via to the state and the new social organization.In the Marxist theory,the social organization is considered as an Intermediary organization of freedom in essence.We see that Marx and Engels focused on the capitalist freedom and the communist freedom,but they rarely discussed the socialist freedom which is the middle form of freedom.However,the history took us into a space which contains the socialist freedom.Thus,research on the socialist freedom and the social organization of China is the subject of the times for the Chinese Marxist.And this reflects the Chinese Marxist's activities which inherit and develop the Marxism.Our study has the important theoretical value.In Chinese history,the social organizations are the important witness and participant.And they left footprints in history.In modern Chinese history,the social organizations were the vital forces of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement.The people believed that their dreams of changing colonial destiny and getting rid of feudal oppression could be true by the social organizations.After the founding of new China,the social organizations were the middle forces to maintain the democratic regime.The people believed that their dreams of changing colonial destiny and getting rid of feudal oppression could be true by the social organizations.During the period of reform and opening up,the social organizations were the main forces to promote China's economic development.The people believed that their dreams of improving material life and establishing national self-confidence could be true by the social organizations.What can be confirmed is that the in the new era will carry more tasks of history and more ideals of renaissance.The social organizations are not only the important witness of Chinese history,but also the important participant in China's reality.Researching on Chinese social organizations and answering the questions of the social organizations' development are the proposition of times.And the proposition is given to Chinese Marxist by the practice.Based on the above thoughts,we study out our research topic.The topic is the"the study of Chinese social organization development based on Marxist vision".We hope to be able to approach and achieve the two research goals.One is promoting the vision of social organization research,discovering the new space of Marxist theory and working hard to the theoretical exploration of inherited Marx and development of Marx.The other is participating in the research topics of social organization governance,exploring the effective schemes of social organization development and taking responsibility of the smooth progress of the "Four Comprehensives".The paper is divided into six chapters.The first chapter discusses the current research status.The idea is linking theory with practice.The second chapter discusses the theoretical basis and the source of thought,including Marxist social organization thought,Gramsci and Habermas' theoretical view,and the theoretical summary of the Chinese Communists.The classical Discussion on the Scope of Social Organization of Marx and Engels is the guiding theory of the development of Chinese social organizations.They considered that there were many routes to the development of social organizations.The development of social organizations in China should correspond to the social pattern of socialism.The theory of social organization of Gramsci and Habermas is the reference theory of the development of Chinese social organizations.They considered that the development of social organizations could not follow the Western model.The development of Chinese social organizations should be linked to the cause of political parties and the masses.The ideology and idea on the development of social organizations of the Chinese Communists are the realistic basis of the development of Chinese social organizations.They consider that the development of social organizations must be based on the reality of China.The development of Chinese social organizations should be consistent with China's real needs.This is the theoretical basis and the idea source of the paper.The third chapter discusses the history of Chinese social organizations'development.The development of Chinese social organizations has gone through four periods.The first period was the classical development period.It contained the secret societies and the guilds under the feudal economic conditions.The second period was the modern development period.It contained the People's organizations and the neighborhood organizations under the planned economic conditions.The third period was the modern restoration period.It contained the trade associations and the academic groups under the market economic conditions.The fourth period is the contemporary development period.It contains the foundations and private non enterprise units under the harmonious society.However,no matter from which period,the Chinese social organizations keep the close relationships with the politics and the parties.This is doomed that the development model of the Chinese social organizations is different from that of the West.Nowadays,both theoretical lines and historical lines are pointing to a place that the development of Chinese social organizations always start around the country's era of the issue.Thus,the politics has become a special attribute of the Chinese social organizations.It is also the good proof that the Chinese social organizations are running in a social space which is closer to the ideal of Communism.And the chapter Four discusses the real development of Chinese social organizations.We find that the basic situation,the main causes,the important opportunities and the practical difficulties of the Chinese social organizations are always associated with the overall development situation of the states.Today's Chinese social organization and its special development path is created by the combined reactions to many political natures.The chapter Five discusses the future form of Chinese social organizations.And the development of the social organizations with Chinese characteristics is clearer.In the future,the Chinese social organizations will continue to follow the road of Chinese characteristics.They will determine the development goals based on the material conditions which are provided by the state.And the goals are in line with the overall layout of the country's development.They will try their best to improve their abilities through a series of measures and means.Finally,they will not only be the excellent assistant to the cause of,but also be the excellent agency to the freedom of socialism.The last part of the paper summarizes the full text.We propose the development of Chinese social organizations should follow the logic of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese social organizations, Marxist vision, history development, realistic thinking, future direction
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