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The Red Star Shines On Childhood

Posted on:2015-05-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330518491601Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Children's Movement of China in the beginning of the twentith century is not an accident but an inevitable result of the development of the revolution started from the late Qing Dynasty. The discovery of children in China was closely related to the salvation of society under the social background of the crisis of "the destroy of the whole country and the race". The traditional relationship between father and son in China was destroyed, and children were molded as the images of radical revolution who represent the rebellion of tradition and the creation of new life and the future. Later, Chinese Communist Party was trying to solve the problems in China by class struggle, so children were existed not only as the images of radical revolution but as the great power of revolution to change the reality in China. Under this background, Children's Movement of China appears in its stage.The first great influence of children's movement in China was showed in the time of Soviet revolution. Children's Movement was paid great attention by Chinese Communist Party, so it supported the direction and guidance for the children's movement in Soviet area although there had many changes in its policies. Organizing as the form of the Communist Children's Corps,Children's Movement had its great political power because of its combination of revolution,benefit, education and life, and became the protection of transforming children, adults and local orders. During this time, Children Movement and school education was closely connected with each other, so it strengthened the role of education in class straggle. Children Movement was introduced to school education so school became the best place for supporting Children Movement. Children's Movement in Soviet area was granted the great anticipation from Communist Party, so it became the motivation for children in Soviet area to have perfect performance so as to repay the works of the party. Just as the land revolution broke the foundation of traditional economics in local society, children shook the traditional orders of the custom in local society by their firm positions in class struggle, strict discipline in their organization and their courageous and ardent behaviors. By doing that, children became an important group in local China.During the Anti-Japanese war, Children's Movement was not stopped but kept expanding.Under the banner of united front, Chinese Communist Party pushed Children Movement into the front of the war, and children had the missions of the reformation of the national morality and the anticipation of the party. Grounding in the Anti-Japanese base, Children's Movement was changed to the one-shot policy and then spread to everywhere. Children were organized as the anti-Japanese children's groups which combined the war for defense, benefit, revolution and life together, so it had great political power. In these groups, the children's corps in Shan-Gan-Ning Border Region became the example. They had the strict organizational forms for children's corps and the Young Pioneers, and had closer relationship between Children's Movement and school education so the schools became children's corps. In other regions, the schools were the centers of Children's Movement and gave the support for Children's Movement during the war. By the cooperation of the party, the politics and the army,Children's Movement during the war had magnificent development in every regions, and trained children to have the clear distinction between enemies and self and rigid disciplines, and to participate on the different kinds of"movements". Children did not fear the difficulties even sacrificed their lives in order to protect the base, and it proves that the courage of seeking the common good is the nature in all the ages.Under the background of self-defense war, the war of liberation guided Children's Movement to be separated with Nationalist Party and their government. Children's Movement was dormant in the beginning of the war of liberation, but as the New Democracy Communist Youth League was experimented in different regions, Children's Movement restarted in the time of Land Reform and became one part of the tread which focused on the land reform, production and war. Children's Movement in liberated area was appeared as the forms of children's corps and Young pioneers,and these forms were unified in one form as Chinese Youth and Children's Team after the First National Congress of the New Democracy Communist Youth League in 1949. Since then, it became the basic form of Children's Movement and combined the liberation,benefit, revolution and life together. As the centers of Children's Movement, schools became the way of showing the image of Children's Movement. Children's Movement also got the positive response from children themselves, especially from the children who had a thorough transformation in their own identities during the land reform. It became the deep political issue for us leaving by the twenty centuries of Chinese history.From these histories, we can see that Children's Movement is a miracle in Chinese history of revolution because of its continuity and children's loyal attitude towards it. If we use the political theory of Totalitarianism to judge this history, we can find that Children's Movement is the result of the mutual election between politics and children, and it is a school to transform the reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children's Movement, Chinese Communist Party, Soviet War, Anti-Japanese War, Liberation War
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