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The Studies Of Sushi Poetry's Acceptance To Zhaoming Wenxuan

Posted on:2018-04-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330542953528Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wenxuan is also called Zhaoming Wenxuan,editeded by Prince Zhaoming of Nanchao Liang.It is the oldest collection of poems in the literary history,collecting more than 760 works of over 130 writers from Pre-Qin period to the Southern dynasties.Almost any prose works can be seen at the time and it is later seen as collections of the first source.Wenxuan not only had a profound and widespread impact at the time and later has greatly influenced literature and scholars.Sage's research results of Tang dynasty and Wenxuan have been quite fruitful,however,the literary studies of Song Wenxuan are relatively quite small.It is generally considered that Song Dynasty is a low period of "selected waste",traditionally not a focus of academic research,getting less attention and little result.Case studies,which are devoted to the selection and the poetry of the Song dynasty acceptance and affecting relationship research,Wenxuan's impact in Song dynasty,are very rare,and this is where we need to miningThe dissertation selects Song Dynasty,which is considered the decline period by traditional Wenxuan learning community,as a period of independent research.This dissertation also takes Su shi's Poems as a case study,which represents the achievements of Chinese literature in Song Dynasty.This research examines Wenxuan Acceptance from the view of modern Wenxuan as the focus,combine with research results of Annotations,Philology and Exegesis,Songrenzhusongshi as main reference books,combine comments on Sushi's poetry in Qing Dynasty,to analyze Sushi's poetry on Wenxuan Acceptance.It focuses on Sushi poetry text and Song explanation,by means of analysis,antibody,and summary of its syntax,allusions,vocabulary,structure,and style,trying to establish a relationship with the works in Wenxuan.Hoping to find out Su shi's acceptance and learning from of Wenxuan as the representataive in the literature of Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties,it attempts to analyze the cause and find the inherent law from the perspective of acceptance and enhance rational cognition of Su shi's acceptance to Wenxuan's spread and influence,enhancing Wenxuan influence and rational cognition in Tianshui Dynasty.For this reason,I do an entire thesis on this topic: The Studies of Sushi Poetry's Acceptance to ZhaomingWenxuan.I analyzed more than 2700 Sushi's poems by means of intensive reading,notes in Song and Qing Dynasty and electronic retrieval method.The dissertation is divided into four parts.It described below:The first part: the introduction section.It briefly discusses purpose,significance,research materials,methods and research status at home and abroad.The second part: the first half,it is divided into three chapters.It makes a comprehensive survey of Wenxuan in Song Dynasty and discusses Wenxuan Acceptance in a larger sense.The first chapter: a brief introduction of Wenxuan's development in Song Dynasty.Firstly,it states Wenxuan's development in Song Dynasty from the perspective of times,discussing the reason why Wenxuan's developed in Sui and Tang Dynasties,and its social conditions.Secondly,it sorts out and does a textual research of the establishing process of Wenxuan's being classic in Tang and Song Dynasties.The forming of canonization status of Wenxuan in Tang and Song Dynasties has had a profound impact on the development of Wenxuan.It has laid a solid foundation for the reappearance of Wenxuan climax in Ming and Qing Dynasties,and resetting of its classical status.The second chapter: Song poetry creation under Wenxuan background.First of all,several issues were drawn on the research of the Song Wenxuan: whether Song people get reference from Wenxuan in Song Dynasty;the relationship between Song poems noted by Song people and Wenxuan.Next,it discusses the relationship between Wenxuan and Song poetry creation.It mainly examines the study and evaluation of Song scholars to Wenxuan,and acceptance and the reference style of Song scholars to Wenxuan by text analysis.It doesn't reach every aspect of the matter,but puts forward several issues which deserve thinking from respective perspectives.The third chapter: it discusses the Sushi's acceptance of Wenxuan in a larger sense.Firstly,it examines the acceptance of Wenxuan from Sushi's experience of taking the imperial examination.It examines respectively the spread of Wenxuan and the reform of imperial examination from the beginning of Beisong to early Xining Political Reform,imperial examination system's guiding function to Sushi's education.Secondly,it discusses Su Shi's evaluation and acceptance toward Wenxuan.Thus,it can be seen that it is for passing the imperial examination that Su shi accepted and learned Wenxuan unconsciously by heart.It makes sense that Su shi' poetry creation was influenced by Wenxuan.The third part: the second half.It is divided into six chapters,focusing on the artistic expression of Su Shi's poetry to Wenxuan,trying to find reasons and inherent law of reference of Su Shi's acceptance and using for reference from Wenxuan through quantitative analysis of Su Shi's poetry.This part is the emphasis.With the clue of time,Su Shi's poetry creation can be divided into six periods,respectively Su Shi's early period,Fengxiang period,Hangzhou,mizhou,xuzhou and huzhou period,Huangzhou period,Yuanyou period;Linghai period's more than 2,700 poems with the quantitative analysis of poetry and prose in Wenxuan,each period being a chapter.It tries hard at revealing Sushi reference approach to Wenxuan,stating from the extracts of Wenxuan by Sushi's writer's direct reference of image and works in early Tang Dynasty;literal meaning,sentence form of the selection of standard reference;statements of paraphrase,inverse method(reverse),encyclopedia and image quantitative analysis.From all these it is clear that Su shi is influenced by Wenxuan.The laws are to be explored and the outline is to be developed.Part ?: conclusion.Through the study of the relationship between Su Shi's poetry and Wenxuan,an important window can pivot the intrinsic relationship between the development of poetry in Song Dynasty and Six Dynasties literary tradition.From this dissertation it can be found out that Wenxuan has had an important effect on the creation of Su shi's poems,which is mainly manifested in two aspects: Su shi's poem creation's acceptance and learning of Wenxuan's classics,codes and images are the most direct performance that influenced by Wenxuan and the most important form of expression as well.The other is that the creation of Su Shi's poetry is closely related to the establishment of new style in Song Dynasty.Su Shi studied extensively,consciously and actively the culture and literary traditions of Han,Wei Dynasties which is represented by Wenxuan.According to the needs of the time,he absorbed artistic experience,grasped artistic rules and created his own art model of that time,which better reflected their own unique life,life experience,the final establishment of Song tune.It has had an important and far-reaching impact on later poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhaoming Wenxuan, Sushi, poems, acceptance
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