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Qi Liang's Poetry Studies

Posted on:2015-11-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330518488868Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Medieval poetry is the material which present scholars of Chinese philology have not paid enough attention to. Most poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties use simple written language, and reflect the language of the time quite accurately. Based on a comprehensive emendation of the Qi and Liang division of Poetry of the Pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the author studies the structure of words , features of usage, syntagmatic relations and paradigmatic relations,and meanings of words in poetry of the Qi and Liang dynasties.In the first chapter, the author discriminates and collates the text Poetry of the Pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties. This work was widely praised by academia after it was published, however, there are still a few wrongly-attributed poems. Some poems were repeatedly included in master Lu's work,because of different attributions, but since we need to count the words, we can only count each different poem once.The second chapter focuses on the form of the words in poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties. According to statistics of various structure types words, we found that modified type is the largest group among disyllables. We describes variant Chinese characters, three synonyms used in succession, words and phrases used in reverse order, and then we distinguish some affixes in poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties mentioned by some scholars.We discuss several features of usage about the lexicons in poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties in the third chapter. Many words in poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties came from poetry and prose of the Han dynasty. Some poets used idiographic words and phrases created by themselves. In addition, there were duplicate words and phrases in some poems. Words and phrases in poetry have the features that their meanings are not absolutely true to life and accurate.In the fourth chapter, we analyze the words in poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties according to syntagmatic relations and paradigmatic relations. Some poetry images roughly correspond to words in the form.we can utilize further processed poetry corpus to implement simple and accurate statistical analysis of some images,so we can provide some beneficial data to support the study of the microscopic poetics. Some not necessarily true modifiers combined with a wide range of noun images make the poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties appear to be extravagant.Some words or phrases reappear in the antithetical sentences, since they have the same syntagmatic structure, and also in the same paradigmatic semantic field. The words in poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties which are in one paradigmatic semantic field are usually confused, manifesting the semantic ambiguity of poetry words.The last chapter is about meanings of some words. There are some mature words in poetry of the Qi and Liang Dynasties which have not been included in Hanyu Dacidian. We try to explain some difficult words in poetry of the Qi and Liang dynasties . We put forward different views of some words in poetry of the Qi and Liang dynasties which have been researched by some scholars.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Qi and Liang Dynasties, poetry, words
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