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The Study On Ocean-related Verse In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2017-09-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330512457088Subject:Ancient literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The aim of this thesis is to work on the ocean-related verse in Song Dynasty, including the poem, Ci, and Fu. The object of the research is to examine the situation and value of them in the history of Chinese ancient ocean literature. The introduction is divided into three sections. First of all, the research object is defined clearly, namely, the ocean-related verse in Song Dynasty. Secondly, the motive and research method of this article as well as research background are introduced. There are some shortcomings of relevant study of this aspect in academic world. Finally, the purpose and significance of research are summarized.The first chapter of this article is divided into two sections, to discuss the origin and development during two periods. In the first part, we take a look at Pre-Song Dynasty. In Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, Elegies of Chu and Han Fu nourished the ocean-related verse. To the development of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties had deep and lasting influence on the later literature, such as the odes of Cao Pi and Mu Hua. Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties are important time for Chinese ocean-related verse. There were works like Spring at Sea of Li Shimin. Yang Weizhen wrote Bamboo Song of Sea Township in Jin and Yuan Dynasty. Lu Tang had Climb mount Zhaobao,and Tu Long had Fu of a smooth sea in Ming Dynasty. Wang Yishou wrote Fu of Shipping in Qing Dynasty. Beside, A Ying compiled The sino-japanese war literature. It is easily discovered that Chinese people contact with the sea more and more frequently and they get more and more knowledge of sea and ocean.In addiction, Song Dynasty is a connect link between the preceding and the following period in ocean-verse creation, no matter in the verse's content or form. It is the internal and external interaction results.The second chapter analyzes the external and internal co-driving factors, and historical value of ocean-related in Song Dynasty. There are three external factors. The first one is the exiled situation. The second one is the foreign trade policy in Song Dynasty and that the economic center south moved. The third one is the progress of science and technology. Regarding song's intellectuals, the bureaucrat, scholar and writer three statuses is complements one another. As the result, those three external factors exercises a great influence on most of them. They had more experience of voyage or seaside trips. The scene and view of sea or shore vouched for the truthfulness of the works. Those works are much different than imaginative literature before. For example, in Lu You's poem, both lyric subject and images are undoubtedly true. The internal factor is the specific circumstance when verse came into Song Dynasty. People in the Song Dynasty brought new ideas in poem, Ci and Fu, which established the foundation of Qu. As for poem, Song poems share same form with Tang poems while Song poems distinguished in aesthetic taste, content and writing techniques from their Tang counterparts. Some of Song poems are more scholarly and elegant. In ocean-related poems in Song Dynasty, not only can you discover that the interaction between people and sea was more often, but also find the argumentative characteristic. As for Ci, people in Song Dynasty molded and shaped it in all directions. Some of them focused on the different between poem and Ci. And some constantly brought forth new ideas from other literary forms artistically. It was the Typography disseminate the poem to the folk society. It's particularly noteworthy that when Song poems tried to differed from Tang poems, Ci got its incomparable achievements with Tang poems' dedication to the arts. The example could be found in Hu Quan's works. As for Fu, there are three characteristics in Fu of Song Dynasty. Lüfu was prevalent. People used the skill of writing essay to create Fu and reasoned things by Fu. That makes Fu in Song Dynasty was criticized. Besides, the psychology and the worldly ideal of literati has changed too.Chapter Three is mainly about the content and literary merit of ocean-related poems in Song Dynasty. Section 1 is about the ocean scenery poems. The ocean scenery could be divided into two kinds, namely, natural landscape and human landscape. People described the extraordinary view in poems, like tide, surge and islands. The view of people's reforming or conquering to sea were the describing objects of the poets. Section 2 is about the poems which described the marine products. Both creature and non-living ‘s things could spark people' s inspiration. Those poems show the people in Song Dynasty's artistic pursuit of matching manner with appearance and the writing habit of setting interest to subject. Section 3 is about the coastal living poems. There are three kinds poems in this aspect. Some of them represents the writers themselves life; some describe local person's lives from the sidelines; and some describe both of them. Section 4 is about the voyage poems. Including Seeing Off Verse, poems about relegated officers or poets‘ navigation experiences and feelings and sea war poems.Chapter Four contains two sections. The first one test two types of Ci. In the one type, the ocean is an Imaginative expression object. People use ocean describe their hope of fairyland excursion and long-life, or the yearn of freedom. Sometime ocean is a description-usually in writing difficult life. In the other type, the ocean is a real object of observation. We could learn the true recording about writer's experience and emotion from them. This article uses 4 Fus to introduce the content and artistic value of ocean-related Fu in Song Dynasty. Wu Shu's Fu of Sea generally introduces the sea and uses many literary allusions. Su Guo's Fu of Hurricane is a typical prose Fu which is the expression of the special weather in seaboard zone. Fan Chengda's Fu of Overlooking Sea Kiosk is a representative of humanity view in coast. It shows the positive attitude to life. Yang Wanli's Fu of Giant Ships records the magnificent feat of Yu Yunwen. It is a groundbreaking work about Chinese navy.Chapter Five is to employ the relevant theory to analyze the ocean-related verse in Song Dynasty's literary and cultural significance based on the poems, Ci and Fu so we could understand why Song Dynasty could be a connecting link period. As the last glorious period after China came in Middle Ancient Times, people at that time possess a contradictory awareness. In one hand, marine culture and ocean spirit spouted. For instance, Su Shi spared no effort to embellish coastal areas environment in his works. In another hand, people still use a kind of agriculture thinking to look on sea and ocean. We could see from Zhou Bida's poem about dried scallops that people treated sea as farm for artificial breeding. On literature's side, those verses inherited mass images, language constructions and responsibility to common people from previous ocean literature. In addition, writers in Song Dynasty gave more speculation about themselves in ocean-related verses. Beyond that, they had their creativity and innovation in works. First of all, they enlarged the range of subjects. In the second place, they expressed more personal emotions about their love or being close to sea, which immediately enlightened the poems in Yuan Dynasty. The last but not the least, people in Song Dynasty reinforced the Realism in their works by their down-to-earth spirit, which influenced the ocean-related verses in Ming Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty, Ocean and Sea, Poem, Ci, Fu
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