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On The Way To The Higher Level Transcendentalism And The Ontology Of Image

Posted on:2014-03-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1315330398454675Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The entry point of this reasearch is the historic investigation about imagination from Kant, it has two basic themes:higher order transcendental structure, which is the appearing horizon of imagination, and image-ontology, which is the beings that were appeared.Imagination became a fundamental philosophy concept since Kant proposed transcendental imagination and described it as a secret skill of soul. The research of transcendental imagination was greatly put forward by Husserl's genetic phenomenology about inner time consciousness and passive synthesis, then Heidegger definitely seen imagination as ontological foundation, that is, the appearing horizon of beings. The deep research about the ontology of imagination gradually reveal the concrete features of beings that were appeared(Being), this appeared being was called "image". The ontological shift of imagination(transcendental imagination as ontological temporality[Zeitlichkeit] horizon) is the first shift of imagination research. The second shift was realized by Gadammer, Ricoeur, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty because they all critically inherited Heidegger's ontology of imagination, that is, this shift reveals what was appeared is not transparent meaning of being, but the opaque image in temporality. In the end, we illustrate the beings that was appeared can be further seen as "the image of absolut difference".The history of imagination theory is a logical course that was drived by inner contradiction. It towards to higher order transcendentalism and the ontology of image as its "entelecheia". This logical course is composed by five link as follow:the preparing stage, the first shift, the second shift, the third shift and the final complettion.The first and second chapter of this paper deal with Kant and Husserl, they belong to the preparing stage. Although as to imagination, both have rich and profound original idea, but they were still confined by ear limitation and did not arrive at the ontology of imagination. On the other hand, this preparing stage has already lead to the end of this course:for exemple, reflective judgement and imagination in The Critique of Judgment already arrive at the mature configuration of higher order transcendentalism; gegenstandlichkeit and affektion in Husserl's Analyses Concerning Passive Ssynthesis is the original image that we usually call it.Chapter three concerns Heidegger's ontology of imagination. In Kant und das problem der metaphysik, according critically analysizing the first critique, Heidegger interpreted the triple syntheses and temporality schema of imagination as ontolgoical horizon, accordingly, the whole of metaphysics(which is the fundamental knowledge of entire beings and beings themselves) was presented by this temporal horizon of imagination. In Sein und Zeit, this fundamental ontology of imaginary structure was further interpreted as dasein and its existential construction.Chapter four is about the second shift of imagination, that is, from transparent temporality and its meaning to opaque image in temporality. This discussion take Ricoeur and Merleau-Ponty as examples. As to Ricoeur, the image in temporality is the text as symbol and metaphor; as to Merleau-Panty, it is the original experience of perception that presented by synthetical body schema, which further be interpreted as visual thought(the logos in perceptual world).Chapter five concerns the third shift of imagination, that is, it discusses the image of absolute difference. Deleuze's important concepts such as "the violence of sense" and "the image of thought" are our guidance. And then according to Lyotard's thought about "the space of figure", we specifically clarify the image of absolute difference. Thus the space of figure, the space of reference and the space of discourse respectively corresponds to follow order:soil, root and trunk.Through investigate the ontological status of empirical imagination, chapter six summarize the two basic themes of this paper:on the one hand, it sketch out four fundamental characters of higher order imaginary transcendental structure; on the other hand, through critically reconstruct Ricoeur's doctrine of triple imitations, we describe higher order transcendental structure as the dialectical interaction between pattern1(de-configuration/image of absolute difference), pattern2(pre-configuration/image in temporality)and pattern3(configuration/temporality and its meaning).Two kinds of critiques as guideline penetrate the whole of discussion:the critique about pure logos(Logocentrism) and the critique about pure image(sense-dataism), these critiques reveal that there is no pure image and pure logos, being(image) and truth(logos) are always inseparable each other and dialectically interacting. The ontology of image that include the interaction of logos and image is presented by the bilden horizon of higher order transcendentalism, it is the infinite historical process of interaction between logos and image(being and essence, cogito and sum). Ontology is the ontology of logos and the ontology of image at the same time. The interaction of them is the real dynamic of history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Imagination, Higher order transcendentalism, Image, The ontologyof image, Time
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