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The Epidemic Disease And Medical Society In The Middle And Lower Yangtze River Area In Ming Danasty

Posted on:2015-07-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1314330428475026Subject:Historical Geography
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The Ming dynasty was entered a period of frequent disasters. During in the ruled of276years time, The middle and lower Yangtze river region epidemic disease occurrence year str uck up to122years, and the epidemic frequency was up to44%. The middle and lower Ya ngtze river area in Ming dynasty epidemic disasters not only have occurred more frequently, but also have high frequency, From the perspective of time,the characteristics of the epidemi c disaster occurred in the late Ming and the frequency was significantly higher than in early Ming, In the late Ming dynasty.From the perspective of space, the middle and lower Yangtze river area in Ming dynasty struck disease also reflects the wide disaster occurred, uneven dis tribution of regional characteristic. The reason of frequent disease disaster is closely related n ot only with natural factors, but also has the inevitable connection with social development, p opulation explosion, and man-made damage to the ecosystemBecause the epidemic disaster has urgent, catastrophic, infectious, epidemic characteristics, Once the disease outbreak of a disaster, its influence is not only about the safety of dynasty, but also a direct threat to people's life. When the epidemic disaster strikes, both countries or civil society to the outbreak of the epidemic disaster, all take corresponding measures to resist invasion of the epidemic disaster. At the national level, as a state machine, the state sh all adopt a series of measures to relieve people affected by a quarantinable epidemic disease, at the time of late Ming dynasty, because of state corruption system is flabby, the emergenc e of a series of problems, such as national fiscal deficit also repeatedly, state cannot relieve victims, when the state and local governments are unable to relieve people affected by a quar antinable epidemic disease, rescue forces from civil society took rescue relief the burden of p eople. the local gentry had various privileges as a local social group, effectively participate i n the management of various fields of civil society, Influenced by Confucian ethics of local gentry, In the face of the epidemic disaster strikes, people who has a clear understanding to t he infectious disease disaster severity, local gentry and some people with conscience began sp ontaneously through various ways and means to aid dyeing disease, in order to make up for the national and local governments to the shortage of the epidemic disease disaster relief.When the epidemic disaster breakout, As a professional medical healer of disease, not onl y can help people get rid of disease, but also a theoretical challenge. Whether is the Wang Lv or Wu You Xing and Yuan Ban, they through clinical practice, the cognition to the disea se and treatment from the previous generation of doctors have new views and breakthrough. So We can see in the Ming dynasty and disease epidemic disaster medicine development is o ften influence each other, mutual restriction relations between each other, during in the Ming dynasty, Especially in mid and late Ming dynasty epidemic disaster strikes, epidemic control problem is not only to the state, civil society has brought the huge impact, but also to the h ealer and even the medical profession enormous impact.Facing the unexpectedly epidemic disaster, it is didn't effect,when doctors use the previo us prescription treatment, a group of highly responsible doctors try their best to deal with the outbreak of the disease, and it is because the epidemic disaster to the society from all walk s of life to bring the huge impact, and also prompted epidemic disease of traditional Chinese medicine theory have a qualitative leap, disease theoretical knowledge in Chinese traditional medicine is yet to mature not only makes plagued by disease people get rid of the disease at an early date, as well as their profession is under the huge impact of struck the favorable r esponse.During in the society of Ming Dynasty, the state lacks of the necessary construction and management on local medical administration, but this does not mean that the Ming dynasty reduce the medical resources and medical service goes down. With the accelerate of socializat ion of medical resources, plenty of folk medical teams effectively make up for the inadequac y of the state, and local medical administration. There is no doubt that socialization of folk medical resources effectively made up for the lack of national and local medical administratio n, from another perspective, due to the process of socialization of health care resources, all kinds of doctors have the different professional study background,thus, resulting in folk medi cal market of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment level uneven phenomenon, in the actual clinical diagnosis and treatment, because medical misdiagnosis, fault diagnosis of phenomenon also happen from time to time.To foothold in the competition of medical market, doctors need to not only excellent med ical technology, but also pay attention to their own impression management, Most doctors wil l choose to protect themselves, choose the disease to cure, as far as possible avoid treat diff icult disease. Patients and their families facing the phenomenon of the complicated medical m arket, patients and their families have to choose the healers or change the healers frequently, in order to find a real skillful healer, to cope with the medical market disorder, in the folk medical market, healers choose the disease to cure, evade responsibility, and lack of necessar y professional ethics of doctors; at other side of perspective, patients and their families also c onstantly choose the healers or change the healers frequently,patients and their families does n't trust healers completely,so that information asymmetry problem between patient and physi cian increasing, thus, we see in the process of specific diagnosis and treatment, doctor-patient communication and interaction between also often accompanied by not harmonious sound.We can not difficult to draw the conclusion that, when the epidemic disaster breakout, it is gives deeply effect to the state and society in the different aspects,such as politics, econo my and culture. However, natural factors and social factors on the interference and destructio n of ecosystem, virtually broke the balance of ecosystem, epidemic disaster has become the b earer behind the ecosystem damage, between the regulator and the human society and the env ironment, to some extent, environment, epidemic disease and social which three sets of variab les influence each other, restrict each other, interact each other, it is not only through the his torical trace of the middle and lower Yangtze river area in Ming dynasty, but also throughout the ecological process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, Middle and Lower Yangtze river area, Epidemic disaster, Medical society
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