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The Research On The Cities' Colors Based On Regional Characteristics

Posted on:2015-07-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1312330428974850Subject:Urban Systems Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The trend of characteristic of city has been disappeared in recent years with the development of city large-scale construction in China. And the phenomenon of the similarity of city color is more and more obvious, In the research of city, the color study and city form study should be start at the same time. The existence and development of city color is reflecting the city's history, politics and its characteristics. In the development process of globalization city, the city characteristics gets more attentions from people, and the research of city color becomes a very urgent and important project.This article is basing on the theory of color and city color to analyzes some influence factors and color problem, and add some detail color in the2003Wuhan city color date. This article concludes five parts which are the development of the question, the basement of theory, the city color influence factors, the regional characteristics city color project and the expectation.The first part is the development of the question. The paper reviews the background of city color in china, the research fruit, the really practices and development trend in the world. And then emphasize the urgent and important research of city color. The second part is the research on theory basement.the foundation theory is color, color constitute, city color landscape, city color design, city view comment and space aesthetics. The third part is talking the two main research lines of city color influence factors. In the space point, the different city has their own geographical location, climate conditions, nature materials, and all of these could coming into being regularity city color performance status. In the time point, the culture, religion, education and building factors will be changed the city color performance. The fourth part is based in the region characteristic in Wuhan, emphasizes the local natural color resources and the humanities color resources. From city development, the evolution of politics, the science technology, the religious consciousness perspective in dynamic color changes to study the variation reason of Wuhan city color. This chapter is extraction, analysis and induction the existing representative building in different area, in order to demonstrate the author color influence factors and color practices application in paper. Finally put forward the suggestion color complement and specific regional color planning management measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional Characteristics, City Color, City center of Wuhan
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