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The Research Of China’s Financial Leasing Industry Development

Posted on:2012-07-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiuFull Text:PDF
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Leasing transactions have two attributes-financing and financial matter. The lessee pays rent flow in installments and obtains kinds flow, so as to achieve the effect of things on behalf of rent. Therefore, in the lease transaction,the financial thing is a means, and financing is the goal, by melting the material means to achieve the purpose of raising financing.It can be said that the dual property of leasing means leasing belongs to the financial areas. So, examining the development of the leasing industry,standing in the backdrop of the financial development is essential. In China, the lease is exotic, initially it was introduced as a way of utilizing foreign capital.But for a long time, the leasing industry did not arouse the attention of the public and the financial authorities, so the construction of a variety of institutional mechanisms is lagging behind.In recent years, as China’s financial reform and deepening development, an old industry——Financial leasing industry that have been silent for more than ten years started to vitality. The sharply change of my country’s economic and financial environment creates renaissance conditions for financial leasing, especially after the outbreak of global financial crisis in2008. In stimulating domestic demand, promoting regional and industrial economy structure adjustment, and opening the real action of the strategic investment, the use of credit financing has very limited space, the short board also increasingly prominent in industry financing. As a worldwide important way of financing, the introduction of financial leasing can effectively make up for the two aspects of the defects. At present, the application financial lease on the plane and shipping transportation^small and medium-sized enterprise financing、the territory of industrial capital transfer across the region has produced results, Its unique industry financial function advantage get more deeply understanding. Compared with history contribution of its using on foreign capital at the beginning of the reform and opening-up, this financial son industry is meeting a new development era after bumpy.The new start of financial leasing industry is still very weak, the position of financial leasing in the current financial structure of our country is almost trivial. In the western developed countries, the modern sense of the lease has nearly60years of history, and is still playing an important role in today’s economic life. In contrast, its stretching space in our country’s financial structure and the potential contribution to the national economy, are still far to be developed. Facing new historical opportunity and more and more perfecting system construction, our financial leasing industry development has begun to write a new chapter.The paper consists of7chapters and can be divided into four layers, which are arranged by the logic of raisequestion-analyzequestion-resolvequestion".Chapter1and chapter2is the first layer, which provides the studying basis for this paper.Chapter3is the second part of the layer, which is "raise question" part. From the macro level, the chapter discusses the financial background of the development of China’s leasing industry. This part views that realizing the continued prosperity of China’s financial industrymust focus on the optimal adjustment of the financial structure, and developing financial leasing industry is important to optimize the financial structure and promote financial prosperity, which leads to the development of China’s financial leasing research. Accordingly, this chapter discusses the history of the development of China’s financial leasing industry, and sums up the success or failure of development leasing industry30years after being reasons.On this basis, this paper makes a specific analysis of the current problems of the leasing industry in China, which laysthe foundation for the formulation of development strategies.Chapter4and chapter5is the third layer, which is the "analyzequestion" part. From a macro perspective, chapter4suggests that China’s financial leasing industry has three problems-strength weak, development lags behind, and the economy does not match the three major. All the problems are caused by a variety of factors, such as access to finance narrow channel, lack of fiscal support, and the system is imperfect. From the perspective of risk,chapter5basing on comprehensive exposition of the formation mechanism of the risk of financial leasing and performance characteristics, makes use of hierarchical evaluation to analyze the China’s financial leasing risk.Chapter6and chapter7is the fourth layer, which is the "resolvequestion" part. Relying on chapter4and chapter5, chapter6views that the development of China’s financial leasing industry depends on highlighting innovation and risk control. So chapter6discusses China’s financial lease the direction of reform from three perspectives:business innovation, operational model innovation and risk management and control system. Chapter7makes some recommendations accordingly, including institution building and fiscal and tax policy to support the reform of China’s financial leasing. Finally, chapter7also from the opportunities facing the development of three perspectives, challenges, and trends in the development of China’s financial leasing industry provides ideas. That is a summary of the full text.
Keywords/Search Tags:financial leasing, risk management and control, innovation, development
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