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Early Meiji Japan 's Diplomacy

Posted on:2013-03-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Z S ShanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1266330395987426Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
1960s,Japan had two problems that internal affairs and diplomatic problemforeign countries in the Edo period.It was too difficult to maintain nationalisolation.Finally,Japan feudal system was disintegrated by them.Japan generallymoved smoothly through the Meiji Restoration,based on changing from isolationsystem to empire,Meiji government start to establish centralization of power.Japancarry out “the Restoration of imperial rule”and “haihan-chiken”(the abolition ofdomains and establishment of prefectures),established centralization of power in thewhole of Japan.Meiji government`s centralization of power means Territorial aggrandizement,Liuqiu is a remote region.and the Liuqiu Kingdom had a tributary relationship withthe Chinese Empire.The processes of modernization in several countries in EastAsia,attribute of control of Liuqiu was to become a diplomatic issue between Japanand China.From Liuqiu kingdom to Liuqiu domain and from Liuqiu domain toOkinawa prefecture of Japan,finally Liuqiu kingdom was annexed by Meijigovernment.Meiji government adopted international rules and international orderfrom western, in addition process of Liuqiu kingdom to Okinawa prefecture realizedtreaty system.Meiji government carried out policies to Liuqiu without considering adissentient voice of Qing Dynasty.The destiny of the Liuqiu was changed by Meijigovernment for only ten years.In empirical research of historical science with study of international relationsmodel,this paper mainly revolves Liuqiu issue from history and the origins betweenGovernment of Japan Meiji and Government of the late Qing Dynasty in the period ofthe1870s.ConsideringThe thesis is make up of introduction、conclusion and text, mainly aims at theseaspects, such as Liuqiu issues、Ili issues、Japan’s treaty revision policy、diplomacypolicy、Liuqiu issues was affected by Ili issues,and so on.Meiji government embraced a global background to play on Qing Dynasty`s weaknesses for negotiations with Liuqiu issues.Revising the unequal treaty withwestern countries was one of the topic of the Meiji government foreign policy.SoMeiji government decided to revise treaty with Qing Dynasty firstly,and planed toadvance a project that revise unequal treaty with western countries.However,Thisplan failed by Qing Dynasty`s rejection.Therefore Meiji government took note of Iliissues between China and Russia.In addition Meiji government suggested Qinggovernment take a guess that Japan have a political alliance with Russia an indirectway.At the same time,Inoue Kaoru give the Japanese Ambassador at Russia ordersthat examine minutely situation of Ili issues between China and Russia.In a word,Meiji government forced the annexation of the Ryukyu Kingdom forterritorial aggrandizement.Certainly,Ryukyu issues as a diplomatic resolution ofproblems between Meiji government and Qing government,Meiji government madean effort for treaty revision.It meant processes of modernization that Meijigovernment needed to revise the unequal treaty and build equall relationship with theallied western powers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government of Meiji Japan, Inoue Kaoru, Liuqiu issue, Li-hongzhang, Iliissue
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