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Between Throughness And Singleness

Posted on:2015-02-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L D ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1265330431959113Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In a philosophical sense, the relationship of Throughness and Singleness involves in the unity and individuality, universality and particularity, the general and the individual etc. This is a problem by the Chinese and foreign philosophers concerned since ancient times. In the history of Chinese philosophy, after Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu is very important philosopher for the development of Taoism. As the important concept, Throughness and Singleness, through and reflect in the all field of Chuang-tzu thought. Among the philosophical system of Chuang-tzu, between Throughness and Singleness as one of its theoretical theme, is a main line that the philosophy theory of Chuang-tzu to be launched.Starting from the relationship of Throughness and Singleness, through overall analysis of the Chuang-tzu text, the thesis not only deeply probes into theory connotation and philosophical implication of the two, but also aims to catch the system and entirety of Chuang-tzu thought. Among them, analyzes connotation and relation of the two, presses the grounds of communication between the two, and thinks the way of communication between the two.As one of the core concepts in the whole thought system of Chuang-tzu, throughness contains deep connotation of "Unity and the Throughness" and "From the Perspective of Dao", it demonstrates to the Chuang-tzu’s attention of unified existing form in the being picture and the perspective of grasping being. This reveals dual meaning of Chuang-tzu’s throughness:one is the existence of throughness; another is the perspective of throughness.Chuang-tzu divided the being picture into two aspects of the true state of world and the differential real world, and the corresponding, the existence of throughness contains the dual content:one is throughness of unity at the very beginning; another is throughness of the unifying after differentiation. At the same time, taking "Dao" as the ultimate origin, the two being state of world that the true state of world and the differential real world has continuity. This continuity is also embodiment of throughness to some extent.In the perspective of grasping being, throughness presents as the perspective of throughness of "From the Perspective of Dao". From ontology perspective, the existence of throughness has unity and order in the differential real world, this provides a premise and ground for the perspective of throughness of unifying after differentiation, and makes it possible. In Chuang-tzu,"From the Perspective of Dao" not only expands on between thing and thing, the performance of "The Equality of Thing and Thing"; it also covers the relation of thing and man in a broad sense, showing "The Equality of Thing and Man". Moreover, in terms of Chuang-tzu, between the existence of throughness and the perspective of throughness also shows the characteristics of communication.Chuang-tzu often uses the concept of "Singleness" to express the principle of individuality. The background to the differential real world, the principle of individuality that the "Singleness" of Chuang-tzu contains both confirms uniqueness of the individual, but also demonstrates the independence of individual spirit. Derived the independence of individual spirit, is the tendency of loneliness in emotional level. And the corresponding, the process of expansion of "Singleness","De" is the specific requirements of the individual existence in ontology, the person who can keep and maintain own independence in the relationship with thing and people is the ideal personality patterns in the level of values. According to Chuang-tzu, self has been throughout the process that person keeps and maintains own independence in the relationship with thing and people. Moreover,"Singleness" of Chuang-tzu also relates to the way towards the "Dao"-----Individual inherent in the intuition and understanding.From the metaphysical perspective, Chuang-tzu makes a double affirmation of "Dao" and "De","Dao" and "De" is the metaphysical basis of the "Throughness" and "Singleness", meanwhile, the interaction between "Dao" and "De" shows the communicability of "Throughness" and "Singleness" in the metaphysical level. This trend of thought clearly inherited the related ideas of Lao Zi. Lao Zi from a metaphysical perspective to explore "Dao" and "De", associated with this, Chuang-tzu broke through the study of metaphysical of Lao Zi, and begins to transition from the metaphysical dimension to physical level. Thus, between "Throughness" and "Singleness" has been launched.From the point of view between Throughness and Singleness, the true state of world is unity without dividing, therefore, in which there is no distinction and difference, and it is more logic presupposition of ontology level and ideal form of value theory. Obviously, as the being of world at the very beginning, it is none of which Singleness exists. Based on the differential real world, the discussion of Chuang-tzu about "Singleness" becomes possible. The reason is that diverse and complex being forms can be produced only in the differential real world, the principle of the individual showed by "Singleness" becomes reality. So, the spread of between Throughness and Singleness, also based on the differential real world, and contains both tension and communication.In the thought of Chuang-tzu, Throughness and Singleness have different meanings, and represent pursuit of the unity and individual commitment. But as the two concepts, Throughness and Singleness is not mutually isolated and closed. Based on it, on the one hand, the process of the expansion of Singleness can not get rid of the existing of Throughness; on the other hand, in the process of the expansion of Throughness, Singleness cannot be canceled. Specifically, Throughness as the bases of ontology, which enables interaction and communication between different individual becomes possible. Meanwhile, it makes the different individuals with continuity and reality, and thus Singleness can exist. On the contrary, the existence of Singleness enables the differential real world and the perspective of throughness of "From the Perspective of Dao" becomes possible, and it makes the differential real world differs from the being of world at the very beginning in which the being is unity without dividing. With the diversity, particularity of individual existence is the premise and presupposition of "From the Perspective of Dao". It can be said, between Throughness and Singleness is different, and they are related to each other. The existence of throughness of the differential real world includes the dimension of Singleness, and Singleness is the premise and presupposition of the perspective of throughness, in this sense can be said,"Singleness in the Throughness"; however, beyond the differentiation and boundaries is the goal of the perspective of throughness, and Throughness is the origin and pointing of Singleness, in this sense can be said,"Throughness in the Singleness"In the differential real world, Chuang-tzu asks for the grounds of communication between Throughness and Singleness. In addition, he specifically thinks about the way of communication between the different individuals, and makes this way expansion on the following dimensions:between thing and thing, between thing and man, between man and man.From the point of view between thing and thing, Chuang-tzu thinks about the way of communication between thing and thing. Specifically, the static view, communication between thing and thing is embodied in "stand ’De’ embody ’Dao’"(lidemingdao立德明道); the dynamic view, communication between thing and thing more presents on the "different shapes of individual conversion"(yibutongxingxiangchan以不同形相禅)Correspondingly, thing is from Singleness to Throughness.From the point of view between thing and man, thing and man is different from each other, and treats each other. Chuang-tzu examines how to communicate between thing and man, and believes that this mutual communication with the procedural characteristics. The communication between thing and man not only involves the cognition of people for their own and other thing, and contains requirements on how people should do it. However, the cognition and practice are often related to each other, interacting with each other. The process of mutual communication between thing and man is embodied in the following aspects:words to title thing,"Meanings to reflect’Dao’"(yiyizhi以意致)In addition, man must adhere to the way of "based on the De"(yideweiben以德为本)in dealing with the thing, and this inherently contains requirement of examining the change of thing.From the point of view between self and others, with "living in groups" as the ontological premise, Chuang-tzu confirms that between people and people can communicate with each other, thinks of how to communicate, and affirms the function of language for communication between self and others. Meanwhile, he puts the real communication and blending into more important position, the real communication and blending is the inherent soul connection and the essence of spirit communication in the process of interaction. Thus, he introduces the way of "meanings". For Chuang-tzu, the premise of living in groups is the individual’s "singleness", the goal of coexistence and interaction is intrinsic spiritual communication, and shows the process from "singleness" to "throughness". Therefore, the loneliness of individual in emotional level has been dispelled, replaced by a sense of pleasure that oneself be understood by others.However, According to Chuang-tzu, the unity of "Throughness" and "Singleness" has been realized in "Being Freely":as an ideal form, it not only contains the unity of the pursuit, and has the individual commitment. Correspondingly,"Being Freely" not only displays the realm of the universe as a whole, and shows the form that individual’s completely independent. In this free spirit realm,"Singleness" is the premise and presupposition, thus "Singleness" in the "Throughness". Meanwhile, individual’s pursuit of "Being Freely", the existence of throughness is the ontological premise and theory of value target, used the way that "from the perspective of Dao" to transcend differentiation, boundaries, to the realm that the unity of "Dao", for that matter,"Throughness" in the "Singleness".Nevertheless, we can see clearly, the unity of "Throughness" and "Singleness" has been realized in "Being Freely", but the communication of "Throughness" and "Singleness", the ultimate goal is the "Throughness":both in terms of origin, or in the ideal requirements,"Throughness" is considered more important aspect, in this sense, between "Throughness" and "Singleness", obviously "Throughness" is dominant, In other words, the correlation and interaction between "Throughness" and "Singleness", generally takes the "Throughness" as the fundamental.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chuang-tzu, Throughness, Singleness, Dao, De, Unity and theThroughness, From the Perspective of Dao, Being Freely
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